If I had created the tornado with my weather machine and it had destroyed that whore's den they call a stadium, twisted the Saban statue into a dildo and rammed it up the Bryant statue's ass -- and knocked out a few frat houses for good measure -- then yeah, we'd have something to talk about.
No comparisons between a natural disaster and the deranged, depraved acts of their fanbase.
Have they learned anything? Will the rivalry be tempered? Don't be a fucking idiot.
The same people who were working to break Auburn before the tornado are working just as hard after it. They will see our efforts to be good neighbors as an extension of the weakness they believe we possess. And they'll exploit it.
The people who scheme to do us in aren't on the ground in Rosedale Courts Housing Authority or the very low income Alberta City area or the rapidly declining Forest Lake subdivision. They weren't at Full Moon BBQ or Big Lots. Or even Chuck E. Cheese or Krispy Kreme.