And I completely agree with both of those stances. You don't have to have a bloodlust for babies to support a woman's right to choose.
OK, so... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
which doesn't officially start until 90 days after conception, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The offical pro-choice crowd would rip this postion apart as they have in the past. By the way, what about federal funding?
I'm not going to instigate a 20 page rant about that here. But your position here is indeed weak. I bet those same thugs that are smuggling meth, cocaine and firearms, also drink alcohol and/or smoke tobacco. Better outlaw those!
Yeah... But, there are two obvious points here regarding alcohol and tobacco. First, they are legal, and we don't have a significant problem with the smuggling of these substances.
Whether you want to believe it or not, the vast majority of pot smokers would never touch a drug like meth.
Pansies... As long as they're still open to cocaine every now and then.