Once against our worst team in decades.
Oh, and Vanderbilt has only been to four bowl games. 
That's like saying you got beat up by a six year old girl because you were tired. Vanderbilt's always had shitty teams. I'm a fan because I'm an alumnus, because I grew up in Tennessee, and because it's fun to root for the underdog. However, I never overestimate or otherwise have high expectations for Vanderbilt, so I often make jokes at their expense. Sorry, but no matter how you cut it, it sucks to be beaten by Vanderbilt in football; Tennessee's had that shame in recent years as well.
Oh oh, and Tennessee is the current embarrassment of the SEC. 
You have heard of Vanderbilt, Kentucky, and Ole Miss, haven't you? I wouldn't call Tennessee
the embarrassment of the SEC, especially given its historical track record. I mean, it's not like we've had three coaches in the last three seasons or anything...