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A night at the bowling alley reinforces beliefs


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A night at the bowling alley reinforces beliefs
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:46:46 AM »
Went to the bowling alley over the weekend.  Kid's request. 

Three hours reinforced several things I believe.  Got there at 6 and things were fun.  Only one other family in the place.  It started filling up about 8. 

1) Bama fans are among the crudest, shittiest, nastiest, filthiest, low class, dung sucking fuckholes in the universe.   By 9:30 there were six different large groups of high school dropouts all wearing Bama gear in the place.  Some had come straight from work and were still filthy with grease, dirt and who knows what else.  All were loud, obnoxious and completely without manners.  Their behavior defies description, but it included hiking bowling balls down the lane like long snappers, the most egregious of profanities bellowed at obscene volume, mounds of ass crack cheesing out of undersized jeans, kids smearing nacho cheese and grease all over the balls in the racks, kids running across lanes in front of people.... 

We left at 9:30.  In the parking lot was a large man easily in his 50s wearing jorts, a sleeveless bama shirt and a Saban straw hat.  He was standing in the bed of a truck.  He was passing a bottle of Jack around with several teenagers.  Sitting in the bed with him was a stringy haired girl who couldn't have been more than three.

2) The meek won't inherit the earth, the idiots will.  Most of the people I know have two kids, three tops.  Parents have jobs, kids are encouraged.   The greasy haired bama whore in the lane next to us?  She was riding herd on six.  Various colors.  All hers.  How somebody could fuck that filthy hog is beyond me.  Why is it that as a general rule (yes, there are exceptions my own great grandfather had eight children) but why is it that as a general rule that the less a woman is able to care for children the more she will have?  It goes beyond finances.  This slovenly blob's kids were fat dullards.  Big doughy pig-eyed blank pages.  You could look at any of them from the 16 year old with the vapid expression that was inches away from drooling to the two year old who screamed like an inebriated parrot -- these kids have ZERO chance.  None. 

It was so damn disappointing.  And scary. 
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.

Re: A night at the bowling alley reinforces beliefs
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 10:20:10 AM »
There's a family that lives down the street from me.  Wife (morbidly obese).  Husband (morbidly obese).  6 kids (all chunky - morbidly obese is their future). 

They drive a mini-van.  One fun family outting they have is to let the kids hang out the windows - literally sitting on the open window on the back of their knees and their butts hanging down - while driving through the neighborhood at 40mph.  It's seems like a real scream.

One day, the mini-van - luckily (maybe?) the kids weren't hanging out the windows - lost control, took out my mailbox, then crashed into the side of a house. 

It snowed one day.  I woke up to the snow on my back porch, and I sipped some coffee.  I went to step outside onto my front porch and noticed the snow in my yard was pretty much gone.  The same nasty wet-grass look was in my neighbor's yard as well.  I noticed every house down the street was missing its dust of snow.  And it was only 8 in the morning.  Then I noticed the six chunky trunks with cardboard boxes slinging snow all over the place down the street.  About thirty minutes later, I could hear my neighbor's kids crying in the front yard because the snow was gone.

Alabama wins the national championship!  The fat father goes on a joyride on his riding lawn mower screaming "roll tide" down the street.  Despite the icy weather in January of 2010, he was wearing a wife beater and jean shorts. 

They painted one of their garage doors crimson.

They have a flag that sits about 15 feet high off of their back deck.  An Alabama flag, of course. 

And worst of all, as I recently discovered, the kids are homeschooled.  And taking two sick days, I noticed they were "homeschooling" all day long by playing outside and acting like chunky, white trash bammers. 

But I digress.  Not all Bama fans are like that, right?  Just a very select few.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 10:22:13 AM by Townhallsavoy »
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole

Re: A night at the bowling alley reinforces beliefs
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 10:42:12 AM »
This is why I only go to the bowling alley on Redstone Arsenal.  Anyone in there is either a degreed professional or clean cut military kids.
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You meet a man on the Oregon Trail. He tells you his name is Terry. You laugh and tell him: "That's a girl's name!" Terry shoots you. You have died of dissin' Terry.


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Re: A night at the bowling alley reinforces beliefs
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 03:41:18 PM »
Went to the bowling alley over the weekend.  Kid's request. 

Three hours reinforced several things I believe.  Got there at 6 and things were fun.  Only one other family in the place.  It started filling up about 8. 

1) Bama fans are among the crudest, shittiest, nastiest, filthiest, low class, dung sucking fuckholes in the universe.   By 9:30 there were six different large groups of high school dropouts all wearing Bama gear in the place.  Some had come straight from work and were still filthy with grease, dirt and who knows what else.  All were loud, obnoxious and completely without manners.  Their behavior defies description, but it included hiking bowling balls down the lane like long snappers, the most egregious of profanities bellowed at obscene volume, mounds of ass crack cheesing out of undersized jeans, kids smearing nacho cheese and grease all over the balls in the racks, kids running across lanes in front of people.... 

We left at 9:30.  In the parking lot was a large man easily in his 50s wearing jorts, a sleeveless bama shirt and a Saban straw hat.  He was standing in the bed of a truck.  He was passing a bottle of Jack around with several teenagers.  Sitting in the bed with him was a stringy haired girl who couldn't have been more than three.

2) The meek won't inherit the earth, the idiots will.  Most of the people I know have two kids, three tops.  Parents have jobs, kids are encouraged.   The greasy haired bama whore in the lane next to us?  She was riding herd on six.  Various colors.  All hers.  How somebody could fuck that filthy hog is beyond me.  Why is it that as a general rule (yes, there are exceptions my own great grandfather had eight children) but why is it that as a general rule that the less a woman is able to care for children the more she will have?  It goes beyond finances.  This slovenly blob's kids were fat dullards.  Big doughy pig-eyed blank pages.  You could look at any of them from the 16 year old with the vapid expression that was inches away from drooling to the two year old who screamed like an inebriated parrot -- these kids have ZERO chance.  None. 

It was so damn disappointing.  And scary.

The class of people you're talking about love babies, but don't know how to raise kids.   They think babies are miracles, beautiful, and wonderful.  They fawn all over them with no idea how they'll raise, educate and help the kid make it in the world.  Most of them may live under the same roof as one or both parents, but for all practical purposes are on their own from about age 8.   The miracle would be if one grows up to rise above his raising and surroundings.  Fact is, most of those types teach class hatred, and don't want their kids to better themselves.  Manners are for "rich people".  The true blue collar, hard working, family man and his family he's raised to work hard, be polite and considerate, and to want and do better isn't nearly as common as the types you described. 
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Re: A night at the bowling alley reinforces beliefs
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 11:19:23 PM »
This is why I only go to the bowling alley on Redstone Arsenal.  Anyone in there is either a degreed professional or clean cut military kids.

Concur. 10:30 on a Saturday, on RSA......only time I'll enter a bowling alley. I have a reputation to maintain.
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