My comments in bold and strikethrough.
I like your suggestions, GH, but I don't think that Christie and Jindal will run in 2012. Christie would be such a great candidate. The ONE would wet his pants confronted by him in any debate.
I have constantly been impressed with Paul Ryan of Wisconsin but I don't think he'll run either.
Of course I'd even concede that Ron Paul would be a marked improvement over the Pharoah Obama (despite being a dookie), and I'm sure that he'll run; just not sure that the party elites will get behind him this time either. Having said that though Reince Priebus is a better leader of the Republican Party than Michael Steele was and he might be able to rally the party behind someone outside of the party apparatchik mould.
And, what about Herman Cain? Personally, I don't believe that he has enough name recognition to carry the votes, but the latest poll numbers are looking promising...
I like Herman Cain too. He is going to run and he has been working the Iowa circuit and the Talk Radio shows so he's getting his name out there. He's a very smart businessman.
He'd be tough for the Pharaoh to beat I think.
America's youts put Obama in office.
The elderly will take him out. One and done.
Romney will be your next President. Newt will be in the on deck circle.
If Trump gets anywhere near the White House. I will pull an Alec Baldwin.
I do hope you're right, LT. I am not quite so jaded as some on this entire slate of candidates (Romney, Bachmann, and Pawlenty are all very capable, experienced, candidates with broad appeal).
The concern I see with the upcoming campaign is the messaging. The ONE is very, very good at lying and compulsion and has a War Chest in the billions of shekels. The Republicans have not been successful at messaging or fundraising...but that might change this time around with the Tea Party Movement and other right of center groups getting more active.
By the way, I went round-and-round arguing with someone that it was indeed the youts that put The ONE in office; every demographic was almost evenly divided or weighted towards McCain; but the yout vote, while not the biggest numerically, was extremely weighted towards The Pharaoh.
All are pretty 
Only ones I could see possibly voting for would be Romney and Pawlenty.
I'm very proud of you, Chizad, maybe there's hope for you yet.