Hey, did you know that the Sopranos is a cheap knock off of The Godfather?
Yes. Yes I did. Godfather is my favorite movie of all time.
Sopranos took elements of that, changed them around and ran with it. Never hid the fact that it was an homage to Godfather right down to the use of oranges to foreshadow a death (or attempted death). What was shattered when the two thugs took a shot at Tony? A bottle of OJ.
Not a criticism but BB isn't as deep. I've yet to be truly surprised or awed by the storytelling. Part of that is the cast. Walt is strong. Gus was strong. Jesse is decent. The rest are really pretty weak. Part of it may be the limits of A&E. I've been waiting on a true WTF moment and there just hasn't been one.
I had people tell me for weeks "wait until you see the turtle scene, it'll blow your mind." After? I was like -- really? That's it? They wasted a good actor, his motivations were never truly fleshed out, his character just popped in from nowhere and then that?
Let's make a heirarchy chart:
1) Godfather: The juxtaposition of the baptism and Michael settling all family business. An absolutely masterful scene, nearly perfect in every way.
2) Sopranos: Several to choose from, but the scene where Tony kills the turncoat rat in College was outstanding. Allowing the lead character to do something that reprehensible was a relative unknown. HBO balked and tried to get the scene killed, they were afraid people would turn away if they didn't have somebody to "root for" David Chase stuck to his guns and the rest is history. That scene paved the way and made Walt possible. But it's not as good as the baptism scene in Godfather.
3) BB: I am the danger. Good scene, well orchestrated.
You people are confused. I like the show. It compares favorably to my favorite TV show ever. It has some good performances (skyler not among them, I loathe that bloated fucking cow). I like the dynamic between Jesse and Walt (precisely BECAUSE it is very Tony/Chris in the way it plays out, so much so that it's almost an "alternate ending" if you will to the actual Tony/Chris storyline).
There will never be another Godfather. There will never be another Sopranos. Doesn't mean I can't or don't appreciate shows that try, like this one.
I have my own critiques, one of which is that it's not as deep (to me) as some want to make it.