This may come as a shock to some of these cock suckers, but if you're on a football scholarship to college, you have TWO obligations. School and Football. And while the obligation the coaches have to a student athlete might be, or even maybe should be school first, it's not ever, and should never be school ONLY. They don't give out football scholarships then allow you to forget football and JUST be a student, and thinking that should be the case is fucking ignorant as hell. Oh, and what about all the guys that can manage to get degrees, in real substantive areas of study, Derek Winter for instance, who don't complain about this kind of shit? One sack of shit can't manage football and school, the coaches try to steer him to a curriculum he can handle well enough to graduate and still fullfill his obligation to the team too, and that's wrong? What the fuck?
I'm getting sick and tired of fucking sacks of shit that literally have the world laid at their quality education, unlimited quality pussy, random boosters handing them all the liquor and whore money they can stand according to them, then kicking the providers of these things in the teeth when life doesn't work out as planned.
Chaz Ramsey says he want to "warn HS athletes what they're in store for"? I wish someone had come to me and warned me I could be a hero on one of the largest stages there is, be given an education at a top university to be that, and provided with money and high quality pussy for doing it! Chaz's warning should be, "have a better plan than I had when an injury derails this fairy tale lifestyle that few get because God didn't provide them the ability...the gift lifestyle...have a better plan than suing your coaches because you got injured playing a violent sport for the fame, money and pussy...have a better plan than trying to bring down the institution that provided you an opportunity."