The series is centered on 3 main characters; Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles – 3 guys who live in the Sunnyvale trailer park in Nova Scotia. They are constantly trying to figure out a way to get rich, high, and stay out of prison. Countering their efforts is the vindictive trailer park supervisor and former city policeman, Jim Lahey, and his sidekick Randy.
Each season ends with Julian and Ricky going to prison, and the next season begins with them getting out of jail and explaining how things went wrong. They are followed around by a documentary film crew, who sometimes get caught up in their issues.
It’s got some strong language – they throw the F word out frequently – and I saw titties in a couple of episodes, but I am telling you I have not had this much of a laugh in a long time. They must have been a pretty big deal up in Canada, because they also have 2 full length Trailer Park Boys movies.