The story is about Pay for Pay ideas for college ball and of course there's a picture of Cam Newton in there to remind everyone of what the Bammers all believe.

Unfortunately, the way it was portrayed in the media, with all the "Cam said this", "Cecil said that" and we have tapes that never materialized, a large percentage of the nation believes a large percentage of all the unfounded bullshit to be absolute fact. I've quit even trying to discuss it rationally with people when you hear them say "Cecil was shopping Cam to the highest bidder" you know they got their minds made up, and they believe a boat load of bullshit that was message board rumors, or shit reported from "unnamed" single sources. The fact is, this is a nation of headline readers that put little time in to sort out what is real, and what is opinion vs. fact.
Top that off with a significant number of morons that think the NCAA is supposed to ignore their rulebook and just "do the right thing" or that every infraction means instant and permanent ineligibility, and that the NCAA had a financial stake in Cam playing in the SEC and BCS game, well you get my drift...