How are you War Eagles doing? Congrats on the BCS Champiosnhip, albeit a little late.

Here's the deal. I'm (obviously by my name) a Gator fan and own We do an article on every away game that the Gators have, and this year we play in y'all in Auburn. I've just got about 10 questions for the article that will help me out a ton. The more people that respond, the better. We'also be glad to post a link to thanking y'all for the help too.
Here are the questions:
1. Where are the good and bad areas of town for motels to stay in the night before/after the big game?
If there aren't any in or around Auburn, where do most away fans stay?
2. What are some attractions in or around Auburn that a visitor shouldn't miss? (i.e. nightclubs, bars, theme parks, tourist attractions, etc.)
3. Where should a visiting fan go to eat while in Auburn?
4. Is there an area or a part of Auburn that the visiting fans usually congregate/tailgate/park? If so, any address or directions on how to get there would be a big help. If visiting fans usually spread out all around the stadium, help us by telling us where the best area to tailgate is with the most room.
5. Are there any special rules we should know about tailgating on or off campus, open-container policies we should be forewarned about, or anything of the sort?
6. Any gameday traditions we should not miss while in Auburn?
7. Any website links or maps that would help with parking, planning the trip, planning the tailgate, knowing campus, etc that you could help by sharing?
It's funny though. I actually have been to Jordan-Hare more than any other stadium (besides the Swamp) in the nation. It's just tat it's been so long with us only playing every 8 years or so in Auburn that it probably has changed since I was last there...