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Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team

Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« on: February 19, 2011, 10:17:59 PM »
So we just got back from T-Town where we lost against Bama 10-24 on A-side and won 7-0 on JV. In between the games we were getting the chew out from our capatain Stew when about five Bama students yelled through the fence at the intermural feilds "at least you still have your tress..oh wait".  We took the high rode and didnt say a word... on the way out of town we stooped at Chipolte were we recieved a " good luck with the trees" (with a smirk) on the way out the door. 

Long story short, That entire town and the fans are blowing smoke up our ass when they say they are ashamed of what happened.. Some may really mean it, but you cant judge a group by the minority. I cant belive that I was willing to let the whole Toomers deal slide cause of one crazy guy..nope there all nuts over there.   Matt
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2011, 01:10:17 AM »
So we just got back from T-Town where we lost against Bama 10-24 on A-side and won 7-0 on JV. In between the games we were getting the chew out from our capatain Stew when about five Bama students yelled through the fence at the intermural feilds "at least you still have your tress..oh wait".  We took the high rode and didnt say a word... on the way out of town we stooped at Chipolte were we recieved a " good luck with the trees" (with a smirk) on the way out the door. 

Long story short, That entire town and the fans are blowing smoke up our ass when they say they are ashamed of what happened.. Some may really mean it, but you cant judge a group by the minority. I cant belive that I was willing to let the whole Toomers deal slide cause of one crazy guy..nope there all nuts over there.   Matt

Cooler heads have already determined he was a lone gunman and you can't paint the entire fanbase with the same brush. 

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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2011, 10:00:08 PM »
So we just got back from T-Town where we lost against Bama 10-24 on A-side and won 7-0 on JV. In between the games we were getting the chew out from our capatain Stew when about five Bama students yelled through the fence at the intermural feilds "at least you still have your tress..oh wait".  We took the high rode and didnt say a word... on the way out of town we stooped at Chipolte were we recieved a " good luck with the trees" (with a smirk) on the way out the door. 

Long story short, That entire town and the fans are blowing smoke up our ass when they say they are ashamed of what happened.. Some may really mean it, but you cant judge a group by the minority. I cant belive that I was willing to let the whole Toomers deal slide cause of one crazy guy..nope there all nuts over there.   Matt

Youre exactly right. Its PR bullshit. 20K, 30K or whatever they wind up "raising" is a small price to pay to clean up their image nationally for the beating they took last week in the media. Bullshit, just pure bullshit. I'm with Kaos and Prowler here - I cant believe people are so naive to believe this bullshit. They don't give a flying fuck about us or our trees. Never have, never will. 

Fuck them. And I will be as angry as I want to be. Don't like it? Well Fuck you too. 
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2011, 10:02:45 PM »
I'm with Kaos and Prowler here

Raise your hand if you thought you'd ever see this.
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2011, 10:06:53 PM »
Raise your hand if you thought you'd ever see this.

I would much rather be with you on this then the other petty "tubs was a turrible coach" bs threads. This shit is the real deal. And will separate the men from the boys. I have nothing against Prowler. In fact he entertains me. Its nice to see his head is right on this. And I agree with him 100%. Not one word prowler has said about this topic has been wrong thus far. Well, except the misusing of the cent sign. But still, minor detail.
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2011, 10:10:18 PM »
I would much rather be with you on this then the other petty "tubs was a turrible coach" bs threads. This shit is the real deal. And will separate the men from the boys. I have nothing against Prowler. In fact he entertains me. Its nice to see his head is right on this. And I agree with him 100%. Not one word prowler has said about this topic has been wrong thus far. Well, except the misusing of the cent sign. But still, minor detail.

I got nothing against him either.  And you're right.  This is the real deal.  This is where we find out what we're made of.   Prowler's passion and mine might run in opposite directions but at the end of the day we've always been on the same team.  We both want what's best for Auburn. 

I'd rather have opposite positions argued passionately than everybody just nodding in agreement. 
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2011, 10:17:47 PM »
I got nothing against him either.  And you're right.  This is the real deal.  This is where we find out what we're made of.   Prowler's passion and mine might run in opposite directions but at the end of the day we've always been on the same team.  We both want what's best for Auburn. 

I'd rather have opposite positions argued passionately than everybody just nodding in agreement.

My sources in the Phillipines, South Vietnam, North Mexico, and the Sahara Desert have all confirmed to me that they are now receiving moderate snowfall. They also can see random swine in the distance that appear to be hovering a good 15-20 feet off the ground.
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2011, 02:11:54 AM »
I said this about Prowler in another thread, but sadly it is starting to apply to others as well. 

The only difference between you guys and Al is a few gallons of herbicide and an easy target.

War.  In what way, pray tell?  Another random act of terrorism? Gonna challenge Saban to a duel?  Just what exactly are you going to do?  Pillage their villages?  Rape their women and spit their children on a hook?  Fire all your employees who are bammer grads, because surely they are secretly laughing at you behind your back?  Break off friendships with every person you know who is a bammer fan, because hey, every single one of them without exception is a total dickhead, right?  Divorce your wife that is a bammer fan, because you know she is talking smack about you and Auburn on message boards since they all do that, right? 

War. Right.  Are you guys willing to be the martyrs for the cause, ruin your lives for a rivalry between schools?  If so, then you are as stupid as he is.  If not, then you really sound like idiots right now.

Hate 'em all you want - I do too. But I'll let the hating be on the field.  It would not matter if 100% of their fanbase were dicks.  There is not one single thing you can do to change that, not one thing, any more than one of them killing our trees will keep us from being Auburn fans.  There is no "If you can't beat them, join them..." here.  Just hate 'em.  Keep hating 'em.  Look forward to seeing them left crumpled and bleeding on the field.  But be a fucking grownup about it - even if they aren't. 

I still think that the gesture made by the bammers was a good thing to do.  I would have done the same had the situation been reversed.  JR is the only one of you so far who has stated a legit reason for not wanting the bammers to contribute to the reclamation effort - he thinks they will try and claim some sort of pride of ownership someday for helping replace the trees.  I disagree, but at least it is a rational point to make. 

You guys who are strutting around, chest bumping each other over teh innerwebs while you check your weapons and apply black facepaint, are coming off to be as much of a lunatic as that son of a bitch.  Unlike Jimmeh, I actually realize that you cannot change the minds of an extremist, so y'all have fun with your war.  Call Snaggie if you need a lawyer who cares.
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2011, 02:20:54 AM »
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2011, 04:14:36 AM »
I said this about Prowler in another thread, but sadly it is starting to apply to others as well. 

The only difference between you guys and Al is a few gallons of herbicide and an easy target.

War.  In what way, pray tell?  Another random act of terrorism? Gonna challenge Saban to a duel?  Just what exactly are you going to do?  Pillage their villages?  Rape their women and spit their children on a hook?  Fire all your employees who are bammer grads, because surely they are secretly laughing at you behind your back?  Break off friendships with every person you know who is a bammer fan, because hey, every single one of them without exception is a total dickhead, right?  Divorce your wife that is a bammer fan, because you know she is talking smack about you and Auburn on message boards since they all do that, right? 

War. Right.  Are you guys willing to be the martyrs for the cause, ruin your lives for a rivalry between schools?  If so, then you are as stupid as he is.  If not, then you really sound like idiots right now.

Hate 'em all you want - I do too. But I'll let the hating be on the field.  It would not matter if 100% of their fanbase were dicks.  There is not one single thing you can do to change that, not one thing, any more than one of them killing our trees will keep us from being Auburn fans.  There is no "If you can't beat them, join them..." here.  Just hate 'em.  Keep hating 'em.  Look forward to seeing them left crumpled and bleeding on the field.  But be a fucking grownup about it - even if they aren't. 

I still think that the gesture made by the bammers was a good thing to do.  I would have done the same had the situation been reversed.  JR is the only one of you so far who has stated a legit reason for not wanting the bammers to contribute to the reclamation effort - he thinks they will try and claim some sort of pride of ownership someday for helping replace the trees.  I disagree, but at least it is a rational point to make. 

You guys who are strutting around, chest bumping each other over teh innerwebs while you check your weapons and apply black facepaint, are coming off to be as much of a lunatic as that son of a bitch.  Unlike Jimmeh, I actually realize that you cannot change the minds of an extremist, so y'all have fun with your war.  Call Snaggie if you need a lawyer who cares.
Have I not claimed that I don't want them anywhere near our gameday traditions?  Must be nice to be able to stand far away from the problems and yell that we should just take it and move on.  Remind me again, how tall is that horse you ride on?
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2011, 07:01:32 AM »
I said this about Prowler in another thread, but sadly it is starting to apply to others as well. 

The only difference between you guys and Al is a few gallons of herbicide and an easy target.

War.  In what way, pray tell?  Another random act of terrorism? Gonna challenge Saban to a duel?  Just what exactly are you going to do?  Pillage their villages?  Rape their women and spit their children on a hook?  Fire all your employees who are bammer grads, because surely they are secretly laughing at you behind your back?  Break off friendships with every person you know who is a bammer fan, because hey, every single one of them without exception is a total dickhead, right?  Divorce your wife that is a bammer fan, because you know she is talking smack about you and Auburn on message boards since they all do that, right? 

War. Right.  Are you guys willing to be the martyrs for the cause, ruin your lives for a rivalry between schools?  If so, then you are as stupid as he is.  If not, then you really sound like idiots right now.

Hate 'em all you want - I do too. But I'll let the hating be on the field.  It would not matter if 100% of their fanbase were dicks.  There is not one single thing you can do to change that, not one thing, any more than one of them killing our trees will keep us from being Auburn fans.  There is no "If you can't beat them, join them..." here.  Just hate 'em.  Keep hating 'em.  Look forward to seeing them left crumpled and bleeding on the field.  But be a fucking grownup about it - even if they aren't. 

I still think that the gesture made by the bammers was a good thing to do.  I would have done the same had the situation been reversed.  JR is the only one of you so far who has stated a legit reason for not wanting the bammers to contribute to the reclamation effort - he thinks they will try and claim some sort of pride of ownership someday for helping replace the trees.  I disagree, but at least it is a rational point to make. 

You guys who are strutting around, chest bumping each other over teh innerwebs while you check your weapons and apply black facepaint, are coming off to be as much of a lunatic as that son of a bitch.  Unlike Jimmeh, I actually realize that you cannot change the minds of an extremist, so y'all have fun with your war.  Call Snaggie if you need a lawyer who cares.

Well I'm not hiring any of them. 
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2011, 07:53:26 AM »
I said this about Prowler in another thread, but sadly it is starting to apply to others as well. 

The only difference between you guys and Al is a few gallons of herbicide and an easy target.

War.  In what way, pray tell?  Another random act of terrorism? Gonna challenge Saban to a duel?  Just what exactly are you going to do?  Pillage their villages?  Rape their women and spit their children on a hook?  Fire all your employees who are bammer grads, because surely they are secretly laughing at you behind your back?  Break off friendships with every person you know who is a bammer fan, because hey, every single one of them without exception is a total dickhead, right?  Divorce your wife that is a bammer fan, because you know she is talking smack about you and Auburn on message boards since they all do that, right? 

War. Right.  Are you guys willing to be the martyrs for the cause, ruin your lives for a rivalry between schools?  If so, then you are as stupid as he is.  If not, then you really sound like idiots right now.

Hate 'em all you want - I do too. But I'll let the hating be on the field.  It would not matter if 100% of their fanbase were dicks.  There is not one single thing you can do to change that, not one thing, any more than one of them killing our trees will keep us from being Auburn fans.  There is no "If you can't beat them, join them..." here.  Just hate 'em.  Keep hating 'em.  Look forward to seeing them left crumpled and bleeding on the field.  But be a fucking grownup about it - even if they aren't. 

I still think that the gesture made by the bammers was a good thing to do.  I would have done the same had the situation been reversed.  JR is the only one of you so far who has stated a legit reason for not wanting the bammers to contribute to the reclamation effort - he thinks they will try and claim some sort of pride of ownership someday for helping replace the trees.  I disagree, but at least it is a rational point to make. 

You guys who are strutting around, chest bumping each other over teh innerwebs while you check your weapons and apply black facepaint, are coming off to be as much of a lunatic as that son of a bitch.  Unlike Jimmeh, I actually realize that you cannot change the minds of an extremist, so y'all have fun with your war.  Call Snaggie if you need a lawyer who cares.
First of all, Prowler was the first to mention the bammers taking a sense of ownership in the Toomer's tree thanks to this.

Secondly, how can you be so naive? Maybe there is a small minority that want to contribute to this fund because they simply feel it's the right thing to do. The obvious fact is that when everyone from ESPN to CNN to NBC Nightly News started showing this redneck's mugshot in stories about how Auburn is a victim and Bama is the guilty party in the ultimate case of "going too far", it's terrible PR. The machine can't allow that, so in order to distance themselves, they paint it as an "isolated incident" and show that "real bama fans" disapprove and are raising money to fix the problem.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 07:55:11 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2011, 07:59:17 AM »
First of all, Prowler was the first to mention the bammers taking a sense of ownership in the Toomer's tree thanks to this.

Secondly, how can you be so naive? Maybe there is a small minority that want to contribute to this fund because they simply feel it's the right thing to do. The obvious fact is that when everyone from ESPN to CNN to NBC Nightly News started showing this redneck's mugshot in stories about how Auburn is a victim and Bama is the guilty party in the ultimate case of "going too far", it's terrible PR. The machine can't allow that, so in order to distance themselves, they paint it as an "isolated incident" and show that "real bama fans" disapprove and are raising money to fix the problem.

Agree.  Simply more spin. 

BTW have you been playing some Adult Swim games at work?  There was a Chizzzad listed in the high scores last night on one of the bumpers.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2011, 10:34:25 AM »
Hey TW, I don't really think K or anyone else is really going to go out and put them or their families life in jeopardy. The war and battle comments are more figuratively, somewhat. Its more of a mindset and willingness to stand your ground against stupid bammerism. Maybe some of us have done so already, but there are some that have taken a more low key approach. I think for a long time a lot of Auburn fans have been a lot more non confrontational when dealing with the erratic and sporadic bammerism behavior. Not because anyone is scared or a bunch of pussies, but more so because it just really isn't worth the time to carry on an argument with a dumbass. This approach has not worked, it has only given the bammers more of a false sense of superiority over Auburn; more of a sounding platform with no real debate from our side. Yes, most of us have thought or still think that going down to that scum level is fucktarded. Thats not it though, we can engage in real debate with real knowledge and class. What this latest crime has done is awakened a lot of Auburn fans up that may very well feel like they have been sitting on their hands for way to long. By this action, letting the bammers spew venom and garbage with out being in check. Now comes war, meaning "motherfucker you will be held accountable for your fucking bullshit and if you are around me in your display of your bullshit, you best believe I'm gonna put your sorry ass in check" mentality. Some of us are a bit more colorful in explaning their views here on this board but it just so happens that they are in the midst of the shit. I can understand that, since I grew up in that area. There are cockroaches everywhere.

I have an example of what I am referring to. Living here in the area of the state isn't quit as bad as north AL but there are some dumb fucks down here. My wife and I (and the little ones in the family too) were in teh Wal-Marks and were picking up some cleaning materials wearing our AUburn t-shirts and gear. I guess this was too much for this lady to take. She looked at me and then turned her head while saying "I hate Auburn". It took me by surprise just a little as my first response was to laugh and asked her "What did you say"? So, she repeated herself.

Okay, this is where "war" comes into play. Before the most recent act of bammer terroism this might have been met with a shrug and silent hand gesture, and then just simply walk away. After the most recent act of bammer fucktard comes an indepth explanation of how fucking retarded with a touch of class and dignity to make sure they understand before you walk away that they are worse than the dried up shit stuck to donkeys ass. And, you can see in their eyes, the defeat that is.

Its not "war" as in killing some worthless piece of shit but killing some worthless piece of shits sense of false pride and thinking they can and will say or do whatever without being put in check. Its time for us as Auburn fans to take accountability for keeping bammers accountable to the best of our ablility even more than some have done before. Time to quit being as passive and act in real life towards this bullshit like we would here at our home on TigerX. Be more real than before, be more vocal and chop these bitches down before they even get started. When these asswipes want to spew trash, they will make damn sure to not come your way with it or even let you find out about because they will know they are not up to task with you.

I guess thats the way I see it, that is all.
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2011, 10:45:16 AM »
Hey TW, I don't really think K or anyone else is really going to go out and put them or their families life in jeopardy. The war and battle comments are more figuratively, somewhat. Its more of a mindset and willingness to stand your ground against stupid bammerism. Maybe some of us have done so already, but there are some that have taken a more low key approach. I think for a long time a lot of Auburn fans have been a lot more non confrontational when dealing with the erratic and sporadic bammerism behavior. Not because anyone is scared or a bunch of pussies, but more so because it just really isn't worth the time to carry on an argument with a dumbass. This approach has not worked, it has only given the bammers more of a false sense of superiority over Auburn; more of a sounding platform with no real debate from our side. Yes, most of us have thought or still think that going down to that scum level is fucktarded. Thats not it though, we can engage in real debate with real knowledge and class. What this latest crime has done is awakened a lot of Auburn fans up that may very well feel like they have been sitting on their hands for way to long. By this action, letting the bammers spew venom and garbage with out being in check. Now comes war, meaning "motherfucker you will be held accountable for your fucking bullshit and if you are around me in your display of your bullshit, you best believe I'm gonna put your sorry ass in check" mentality. Some of us are a bit more colorful in explaning their views here on this board but it just so happens that they are in the midst of the shit. I can understand that, since I grew up in that area. There are cockroaches everywhere.

I have an example of what I am referring to. Living here in the area of the state isn't quit as bad as north AL but there are some dumb fucks down here. My wife and I (and the little ones in the family too) were in teh Wal-Marks and were picking up some cleaning materials wearing our AUburn t-shirts and gear. I guess this was too much for this lady to take. She looked at me and then turned her head while saying "I hate Auburn". It took me by surprise just a little as my first response was to laugh and asked her "What did you say"? So, she repeated herself.

Okay, this is where "war" comes into play. Before the most recent act of bammer terroism this might have been met with a shrug and silent hand gesture, and then just simply walk away. After the most recent act of bammer fucktard comes an indepth explanation of how fucking retarded with a touch of class and dignity to make sure they understand before you walk away that they are worse than the dried up shit stuck to donkeys ass. And, you can see in their eyes, the defeat that is.

Its not "war" as in killing some worthless piece of shit but killing some worthless piece of shits sense of false pride and thinking they can and will say or do whatever without being put in check. Its time for us as Auburn fans to take accountability for keeping bammers accountable to the best of our ablility even more than some have done before. Time to quit being as passive and act in real life towards this bullshit like we would here at our home on TigerX. Be more real than before, be more vocal and chop these bitches down before they even get started. When these asswipes want to spew trash, they will make damn sure to not come your way with it or even let you find out about because they will know they are not up to task with you.

I guess thats the way I see it, that is all.
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Tiger Wench

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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2011, 06:28:50 PM »
Okay, this is where "war" comes into play. Before the most recent act of bammer terroism this might have been met with a shrug and silent hand gesture, and then just simply walk away. After the most recent act of bammer fucktard comes an indepth explanation of how fucking retarded with a touch of class and dignity to make sure they understand before you walk away that they are worse than the dried up shit stuck to donkeys ass. And, you can see in their eyes, the defeat that is.

You are absolutely right.  Everyone on here will make Miss Manners so proud as they quietly explain to the Updyke in a classy and dignified way the error of his or her ways in directing their unpalatable language towards an Auburn fan, and then go on to state in the most polite of terms how the Updyke in question can do fuck him or herself, thereby ensuring that the Auburn Family continues to hold superior ground. 

Yeah, that's gonna happen.  My bad.  Viva la resistance!!

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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2011, 06:33:11 PM »
You are absolutely right.  Everyone on here will make Miss Manners so proud as they quietly explain to the Updyke in a classy and dignified way the error of his or her ways in directing their unpalatable language towards an Auburn fan, and then go on to state in the most polite of terms how the Updyke in question can do fuck him or herself, thereby ensuring that the Auburn Family continues to hold superior ground. 

Yeah, that's gonna happen.  My bad.  Viva la resistance!!

This is really, really disappointing. 

You think more of them than you do your own kind.  Sad. 
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Tiger Wench

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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2011, 06:39:31 PM »
This is really, really disappointing. 

You think more of them than you do your own kind.  Sad.

Nice attempt to distort my words - but dissembling is one of your tricks of the trade.  Not sure how you drew THAT conclusion, especially since there is NOTHING in my history to suggest anything of the kind.   But nice try nonetheless.

Never roll in the mud with a pig. Because you both get covered with mud—and the pig likes it.  If an Updyke in WalMarks says something to me, the look of scathing contempt I throw her way and the complete disregard of her and her comment is better than telling her to go fuck herself, and letting her know she got to me.    Granted, it is not nearly as satisfying as telling her to fuck herself, but it keeps me above her level, where I already exist.  No way do you ever let them see that they got to you.

Calling down the hounds of hell on the media and their advertisers is fine.  I have been known to do that myself.  But to make a point of actually engaging the Updykes on their own level?  NO WAY.  Excuse me for not wanting to get all muddy. 
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The Prowler

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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2011, 07:00:20 PM »
...but it keeps me above her level, where I already exist...Excuse me for not wanting to get all muddy.
I guess your horse doesn't like mud either.
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Re: Two random tree remarks toward the rugby team
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2011, 07:46:06 PM »
You are absolutely right.  Everyone on here will make Miss Manners so proud as they quietly explain to the Updyke in a classy and dignified way the error of his or her ways in directing their unpalatable language towards an Auburn fan, and then go on to state in the most polite of terms how the Updyke in question can do fuck him or herself, thereby ensuring that the Auburn Family continues to hold superior ground. 

Yeah, that's gonna happen.  My bad.  Viva la resistance!!

I think you took that a wee bit out of context. I thought you seriously would be able get the pic without me writing a 5 page essay instead of one. Lets put it another way, instead of being the silent pussy, speak up when some Updike opens their whorish mouth. One doesn't have to go the the level of bammerism, but can speak with authority and knowledge. Fuck it, I tried.
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