All it will take is for one bammer fan to say, "paawww they rollin our tree, ain't that right pawww?" Then Paul will respond with, " caller."
Auburn doesn't need your money. If you're doing this to make amends, just stop and stay the fuck out of our way...keep your $22,000 raised by 28,000 people and go buy another Dodge Charger for one of your new players. Also, stop saying "Auburn brought home the National Championship for the State of Alabama"....FUCK ALABAMA!!! Fuck the University, it's fans and the entire Goddamn State. I do wish Auburn was located in West Georgia. Just about all season long, the Auburn fans had to take it, rammed balls deep, while the SPuat media (papers, TV, radio) grinned from ear to ear....So, again Auburn didn't win the National Championship for the State, Auburn fans don't need SPuat's fucking sympathy & they don't need their money, they just need the bammers to go back in their little hole & stay the fuck out of our way.
Rws, I Am A True Auburn Man. So, tell ALL of your inbred, retarded, trailer park friends to save their ¢ was a nice gester, but, no...We Got It, the small % of good fans get run over by the stupid ones, because the stupid ones are the loudest.