Same here and not even breaking bad hangover.
Just meh.
I don't care about any of the stories.
Farmer Rick doesn't motivate me. Neither does emoting Rick. He's outlived his usefulness. Kill him now.
I (like most) despise Carl. Kill him two seasons ago.
Michone is a one-note parody.
They're trying too hard to humanize Darryl.
Sick of gimpy grampa Jones and his intonations of wisdom.
Hot girl was much more interesting before she became part of a love story.
Carol, eh, she was weak before.
Teddy Bear Tyrese is expendable and way worse than TJ
Isn't one angry black woman enough?
Drunk medic... pfft.
Phineas with the flu? Yawn.
Maybe it gets better, but if they were hoping to hook new viewers last night, that wasn't the way to do it.
The show was better with Dale, TJ and even skank Andrea -- who I hated.
I caught myself texting and looking up stuff on my phone during the show last night. Was just flat boring. Flat. And boring.
Oh, a stick through a zombie eye? Yeah. Seen that. Stepped on a zombie's head? Seen that too.
The stupid head in the bag thing really pushed it into stupidity for me. That was just bad. Severed head isn't gonna live. Sorry.
For once, we agree on something entertainment related.
I'm getting tired of the show. No plot seems to ever develop. The Governor stuff, despite what was said in here, is one of the few plotlines that kept it interesting.
I've said it before, but Season 1 was interesting. Threw you in the middle of this crazy zombie apocalypse trying to figure out what the hell went down. Rick woke up to a world overrun, and we slowly were learning how it came to be. It was about one man's struggle to survive, and the characters he met along the way. Desperately trying to make it to safety. Trying to learn about what happened. The CDC stuff was interesting.
Now we get entire season-and-a-halfs that take place in one location. Seeing people survive as a community. With the occasional daytrip out-on-the-town to stab things through zombie heads. But the community stuff is not even interesting. At least with Woodberry, there was an element of, How would a society be built if we were starting from scratch and under these odd circumstances. Still, I feel like that wasn't really even explored. I guess they're getting into that a little with the prison community.
I just feel like the show has been reduced to 45 minutes of talking about nothing of any consequence, and 15 minutes of zombie attack scenes that we've seen over and over and over again. I need plot advancement. I need storyline. I need them to make some sort of progress.