Last night's episode was AMAZING. And it made me realize how much the other episodes have sucked.
I'll admit this - I don't like the governor. Not in a "He's a bad guy" kind of way. I don't like the actor. I don't like the character development. I don't care about Woodbery. I don't give two shits about what Andrea decides to do.
The only intriguing part of Woodbery was the experiment the scientist guy ran with the old guy that had recently died.
The show should be more mobile. I know that the budget limits them, and that's AMC's fault. This show should be about the apocalypse involving zombies. There should be a lot of scavenging, cold-hearted vagabonds, and killing of zombies.
If I were the writer, I would:
- Go ahead and get the Woodbery-Prison war over with. Kill the governor. Make it exciting.
- Kill Herschel and kill the baby.
- Have two groups. One is in the country searching for food, survivors, supplies and one in Atlanta or another city or the North or somewhere else.
- If you want to introduce an established city, make it a real city. Not a 50-person small town that literally never has any action besides a stupid late night WWE tournament. And because this new city will feature a large population, it will attract herds of zombies. There's your big time zombie-killing action scenes.
- Give the characters missions besides going to get formula for a baby that doesn't serve a purpose. Like, the city has a working science lab and needs resources to find a possible cure. Boom. Military style runs with serious implications.