I must say that Governor character absolutely disturbs the hell out of me not even knowing his back-story and the fate of those Nat. Guardsmen (especially the chopper pilot) has really disturbed my calm this week as much as that creepy little town of Woodbury...I'm with Michone ( ?...not sure of the names) who wants to get the hell out of there...show might've won me back this time...we'll see...
Interesting that the best episode by far so far didn't included a single one of the the "main characters".
I think I'm tired of Rick, and Carl, and Lori, and Daryl, and T-Dog.
This season has picked up on the gorey zombie action, which is great an all, but I like a good story.
This last episode looks like we're finally getting to some of that.
I haven't read the comics, and avoid spoilers, but I have seen a picture of the Governor, and how the fuck did they not cast Danny Trejo?

Like I said, I'm not loyal to the comics or anything, and I get that this series in particular strays quite a bit from the source material, but damn.