I'm also tired of the pimping of that lame ass comic book store show. I understand that Smith has on rare occasion shit out something worthy of film (but mostly just shit). Yes, I said it. Mostly complete and utter shit:
Jersey Girl = turds in a bowl
Zac and Miri = multiple turds in multiple bowls (absolute garbage and the waste of a good actress)
Jay and Silent Bob = profane turds in a turd bowl
Cop Out = One of the turdiest movies ever seen. Complete and utter turd
Clerks II = Turded up one of his few good films
Red State = Such a turd I don't think it's ever been seen
So he likes comic books and has a store. GREAT premise for a new show.
Expecting me to sit through that limp dick drizzle fest to see a preview of next week's Dead (which typically involves characters sitting around talking) is too much.