Thought so too. Best premier I thought so far. I'm still pissy about all the damn commercials though.
I think I've reached the zombie saturation point. I was underwhelmed by the whole thing and not sure I wanted to hang on to the end when I realized it wasn't going to be over at 9:00.
My exact comment was "Ugh.. 30 more minutes of this?"
I've threatened to be done with this series several times but I'm losing my patience and willingness to suspend disbelief with things that are just stupid. I'm about two episodes from pulling the plug and not caring any more. I got nothing out of Fear Walking Dead and quit on it with no regrets. Yeah, pussy move for not waiting out the whole season, but at least I own it.
Some of my many, many problems with the show:
1) How are people still fat? There's no food for months. Everybody would be borderline skeletal
2) Where did they get water while they wandered the woods? Where are they shitting?
3) Helium balloons? Seriously? Where did they get those?
4) Styrofoam cups to pass out water? Seriously? We're cool with disposables now?
5) If they had flares and an unlimited supply of weapons/gas why didn't they just incinerate the zombies in the quarry? Draw them out to walk the road? Ignorant.
6) That baby would be deader than dogshit.
7) Why is EVERY car they get cranked up to use a piece of shit beater? Every car in the world is abandoned. Are there no BMWs? No decent trucks?
8) With lots in Atlanta full of new RVs, why did Dale pick an old piece of garbage with leaky hoses? A new one would have given them lots of amenities. And why not have EVERYBODY riding in one? Sleep in comfort, keep the zombies out.
9) How are the girls keeping their hair up and nice? And cut? And shaving those armpits and legs?
10) Where are they getting Tampax?
11) Where are the zombie babies? Zombie dogs? Dogs in general?
12) Where is the helicopter from Season 1 Ep. 2?
I just can't take it seriously enough any more. Too many gaps.