I'm pot committed, so I'll finish out the season and continue talking about it. But I really do see myself skipping out on season 4 if it's anything like season 3.
Andrea is worthless and a total moron. The governor is lame and needs to die; it really seems like he's going to become a main staple of the show however. Herschel is Dale without the hat or mechanic skills. Carol COULD have been intersting if she and Darryl hooked up, but for some reason, the writers introduced that storyline and then forgot all about it. The "I see dead Lori" angle needs to go away as it adds nothing to the plot. What exactly has Rick done lately to even warrant his presence on the show?
I actually started to like Carl. He toughened up, learned to shoot, and was actively contributing to the protection of the group.
The show can easily pull me back in if they get back to the apocalypse and less on the weak tension in the buildup of a "war" with the lame ass Governor.
And why are the zombies so cartoonish now?
We're on the same wavelength.
I don't hate the show by any means, but at this point I'm pretty luke-warm on it.
Season one had action. It had a story. It moved along. Starting with Rick waking up to the Apocalypse and trying to figure out WTF happened was exciting. Figuring out the "science" behind what took place to cause all of this and how the zombies are created at the CDC. Lots of nomadic wandering from cities to rural countryside on an actual mission with actual purpose, as opposed to just wandering around for survival. That was interesting. Additionally, if we are going to focus on the interpersonal melodrama, the Rick/Lori/Shane dynamic was actually an interesting one. The best friend's ultimate betrayal. Who's the baby daddy? Shane being a loose cannon. Again, all interesting.
Now it just seems like there is just zero plot. There's a town called Woodbery, led by a corrupt asshole. Then there's a prison where the protagonists reside. They're going to clash at some inevitable point in the future. That's about the long and short of the entire season. Which sadly, is infinitely more exciting than what took place in Season 2...