well...my excuse was steven tyler.
I have a confession...
During my formative years, I never thought Steven Tyler was hot in any way. Found him rather disgusting, to be honest. LOVED the music, loved Aerosmith as a whole, but did not like him at all. Never understood the other girls getting all hot for him.
Until now. He is not hot in the conventional sense, but he is dead on sexy. I realize he has had some work done - that face is tight as a drum - but holy shit... the cheekbones, the mouth, the hair, the bod... not to mention that air of totally hip ubercoolness he projects. The man has got "IT". AND... he can still sing.
I would groupie him in a heartbeat. His somewhat dirty old man comments to the sweet young things that have been auditioning pretty much indicate that since he can get any piece of twenty year old ass he wanted, he would not be interested whatsoever in a 40 year old mommy type, but a girl can dream, right?
Still think Mick is nasty tho... damn.