He is still married to the idea of high speed trains and cars.
Not totally against that. If we went Nuclear as our main source of energy, replaced our current rail system to electric it could actually work. Do all our shipping on high speed rail, until it comes time to move it cross town, travel a high speed train from Huntsville to New Orleans, I would do it, if it were cheaper than a plane ticket. I would think others would to. It would take a lot of man power to convert the rails, build the Nuke plants and to run the plants (which are some really good high paying jobs). Now if there was a good set plan I think it could work and pay for itself in no time. We could build enough plants that we could sell electricity on the cheap, and also export it to Canada and Mexico for more $$$$$. If the french can take American engineers and become the worlds largest exporter of electricity, why can't we?
Also with the shipping it takes a lot of the big trucks off the road (sorry teamsters, but I don't really like you anyways) and planes flying cross country (FedEx, DHL, UPS) and that in turn allows us to purchase less oil and it is less wear and tear on the highways, in time, with the right people in charge, less taxes to fix roadways.....etc...etc...etc....
Pipe dream I know and the enviro kooks hate me, but whatever. A guy can dream.
EDIT: I think I also read that, again with American engineers, the french are re-using spent fuel rods in the plants, which cuts the amount of waste tremendously.