firejefflebo.com Nevermind. I didn't realize we had a new coach. I thought those Barbie and Ken jokes were to pass the time. Little did I know we actually hired a coach named Barbee. Also, we have a player named Chubb. When is the new arena opening? Are you guys planning a TigersX basketball gathering? I can't wait for the Super Bowl. Who are you pulling for...Steelers or the Jets? Speaking of Jets...Do you like the tune...Benny and the Jets? Is Elton John gay?
Taylor? I got my new Playboy yesterday. That Madonna. I can't believe she didn't shave her armpits.
Wench or Sweets...do you shave your pits? A lot of girls out in the Pacific Northwest don't shave their pits. Speaking of pits...Did you guys catch last night's episode of 90210? I would totally hang at a place named the Peach Pit. I wonder if they meant Pussy Pit. Brad Pitt is so sexy...I just saw that new movie called A River Runs Through It. It, I never finished that book. Incredibly long. Speaking of long...Howie Long. Howie...is that short for Howard? Funny, we have an X'er named
Howard. I liked Howard Cunningham...I bet he pounded Mrs. Cunningham. She was a fine piece of ass. Marion was her name, I believe. If you like blackberries you should really try this type called a Marionberry.
Chopper, it's not a phone. I'm looking to get a Motorola RAZR? What do you think,
Chizad? Maybe, I'll just stick with my Nokia. Did you guys watch the Nokia Sugar Bowl this year? Do you put sugar in your coffee? Hmmm...I think I'll try a Starbuck's? I might have to drive way down the road for one, but it will be worth it. Do you recommend anything,
Snaggle? Speaking of worth it...will the Cubs be worth a shit this year?
War Eagle! x 3. I think
Jarhead's Cardinals will win the NL Central. I like Ozzie Smith. He'll be in the Hall of Fame one day. Speaking of Hall of Fame...Did you guys notice the new X theme above? That is some Hall of Fame bulletin board shit.
The Godfather teh roxxor. I wonder if the Godfather was named after that movie? Movies, I miss
Kaos' review of past movies. I've been holding out for nearly 9 months. I would like to see a review on Flash Gordon. It better be a good review. I saw a Honda Civic today and I thought of that funny smiley of
Jumbo. Did you know that you can jumbo size your french fries at McDonalds? I like McDonald's but I really love that redhead. No it's not
Ogre, silly. I'm talking about Wendy's. I'm married to a redhead, but she is fair skin, pale almost. Do you think
Pale Rider will read this? There isn't many emoticons in this thread. I bet he will. He does like basketball threads...much like
Tarheel. I like Air Jordan's...but I just found out they were made in Asia by children. Poor
Thrilla. I'm sure this will not make the front page. What do you think
JR4AU or Townhallsavoy? You guys seem to be regulars. Speaking of regular...I pulled up to the gas pump today and asked the attendant to fill it with regular. We can't pump our own gas in Oregon. It suppose to create jobs but I see today Oregon is the worst at being Homeless. I guess it's better than being Skreetless, right
Prowler? I'm tired...how about you
Wes might think that was funny.
The shift key teh roxxor.