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Nick Fairley Moves To Houston

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Nick Fairley Moves To Houston
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:48:40 AM »
Guess I will be looking for reasons to hang out in Sugar Land now!

Auburn's Fairley Hires Houston Agent
Updated: Monday, 24 Jan 2011, 12:57 PM CST
Sports Director

HOUSTON - Former Auburn University defensive tackle Nick Fairley has made Houston his home away from home in more ways than one.

Fairley has chosen Houston-based agent Brian Overstreet to represent him.

Fairley has also chosen Plex in the Houston suburb of Sugar Land as the facility where he will go through the bulk of his pre-draft training.

Fairley is projected by many of the experts to have a great shot at being the number one overall pick in the NFL Draft in April.

"It's very sweet," Fairley said in an interview with FOX 26 Sports. "It's amazing to say everyone is picking me to be number one.

"It's an amazing feeling and I'm basicially just taking that feeling and running with it."

And Fairley is doing most of his running at Plex.

"Plex is a great place to work out, small groups," Fairley said. "You have a lot of one-on-ones. The energy they bring to the table. That's how I like it."

Fairley's agent is the big reason why the former Auburn star is calling Houston home as he prepares for the draft.

"I hired Brian Overstreet as my agent because I like the bond that we had when we first met," Fairley said. "When folks say love at firsrt sight, I wouldn't say it was love, but it was the bond that we had when we sat down to talk.

"He was the type of guy, he wasn't into 'I'm gonna get you this. I'm gonna do this. It was all right we are going to do this.'

"It's a team effort. That's what I liked about it."

By the way, Fairley said it hadn't really registered with him that he had led Auburn to college football's national championship until this past weekend when the school held a celebration with the Tigers' fans.

"It hit me (Saturday) when we had the celebration in Auburn," Fairley said. "We had a packed house with 87,000.

"It hit me when I came out of the tunnel and they called my name and I looked up and I said 'wow we're national champs."
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Re: Nick Fairley Moves To Houston
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 10:55:11 AM »
Did he purchase a smog mask?
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