Some TRUE AUBURN MEN, like myself, know full well that this shakey house of cards will come crashing down no later than...March 15th or 27th....or some time in late November of 2014. I have all the information I need from other TRUE AUBURN myself...and I can tell you that you're all just mindless drones, following aimlessly along to the tune of the Pide Pi..Pyde Pip...Pied Pi.....that ugly dude with the weird flute...and you're all going over the bridge into the water to drown with the rest of the Chizik rats.
I would give you this information but not being TRUE AUBURN MEN AND myself...but I don't think your feeble minds could grasp the meaning and devastating implications that Just keep worshipping at the Alter of Chiz. I won't post anymore. I'm just going to sit back and watch you all burn in hell...or drown....or something while my beloved Auburn implodes as a result of the wrath of the evil one. This TRUE AUBURN MAN can do no more. I won't post anymore. Wait, I already said that.