It was awesome. And they played Beth. Scratch one item off the bucket list.
LOVE THAT SONG. And so did 75K of my closest friends. You could not hear Eric over the crowd, which was actually a good thing. Every person in there knew every word, and the mass singalong was cool.
They also pulled a couple of local military guys up on stage and talked about how much they loved and respected the folks serving in harms way to keep our country safe, then Paul led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance, and he yelled the UNDER GOD! part. This is Texas, after all - the place went NUTS. Standing O for the military guys.
Tommy Thayer is hot.
Cannot imagine how Paul can still hit the high notes.
Gene sweats like a whore in church. He must lose 10 pounds a concert, and this was an abbreviated show. All the rodeo concerts are only 45 min to an hour, but they don't cost $200 a ticket either. i paid $75 each through a broker for great seats and that price included a FABULOUS parking pass, the 2 hours of rodeo prior to the concert, admission to the fairgrounds and the concert. Pretty sweet deal.