« on: January 06, 2011, 10:44:48 PM »
Thomas says Fairley's 'got a lot of dirty plays'
Posted on: January 6, 2011
Posted by Jerry Hinnen
Darron Thomas met the press today and didn't bother to pull any punches about what he thought of ... well, anything. (""They've got a great front eight (on defense)," he said , "but have never played a team like us that plays at the speed we do.") That included notorious -- and notoriously good -- Auburn defensive tackle Nick Fairley, who Thomas said had come by his reputation for illegal play --particularly where it concerns opposing quarterbacks -- honestly:
"Oh yeah, we've seen he's got a lot of dirty plays, throwing people around after the play and things like that," Thomas said Thursday. "But that's just football. I don't worry about it because it's a physical game" ...
"If it happens, it happens," Thomas said. "You've just got to get back up for the next play." Assuming you still know your own name and what year it is, motherfucker.
Fairley naturally denied the charge, claiming he simply gives 110 percent and if dirty is "what they call it, that's what it is." But if his Twitter comments are any indication , he's also not all that bothered by Thomas's comments:
"Why is people tweeting me telling me about what someone was quoted saying about me? He has the freedom of speech. And he used it.
Of course, offended or not offended, it's not likely to change the fact that Fairley's going to do his best to treat Thomas as if he had been. 
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 10:45:49 PM by Tiger Wench »

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