Tonight, C took K to Girl Scouts, so the mancub and I were at home alone. I got down a puzzle for him to do (sidenote, he is 3/nearly 4, and can do large 30+ piece puzzles without assistance, the kind where you have to look at the picture and fit the pieces together... yeah, he's brilliant...)
But I digress...
Anyway, he was working the puzzle and I realized he was singing softly to himself...
"All I do it win win win no matter what..."
Over and over...
That is MY BOY!!!!!!!!!! MINE! C may have K corrupted to where she picks out the tacky purple and gold and says she is going to LSU and that is fine because I am all about being a Daddy's girl.
But by golly by damn my son will be an Auburn Tiger if it is the last thing I do. And if he is doing it in uniform, so much the better for me.
Mother of the Year Award Right here, baby.
Warms my heart.