A couple of things:
1) $3 million is more than Chizik makes
now if you don't count the incentive bonuses. He's making just over 2 now.
2) Maybe coaches are a different breed, but if you pay me $3million to be completely mediocre and have zero pressure to be anything else? Sign me up. No bricks through the window. No booster meddling. And you get a share of the bowl earnings from a conference that sends 10 other teams to a bowl pretty much every year? Pretty much everyone else carries your weight? Sign me up.
On top of that, if he
does post a seven win season, he is considered a golden God of coaching. See Mullen at Mississippi State right now, but the expectations would be even lower at Vandy. He could take his pick of coaching jobs just by getting bowl eligible. If that doesn't happen? Oh well, call me Bobby Johnson, cause my ass is collecting $3mil every year for mediocrity until I'm ready to retire, as if the cushion of that job isn't "retirement" enough.
3) While we're puffing our chests about being right, I believe it was
I who was primarily scoffed at for repeating constantly that a head coach is only as good as his assistants. That all a HC is is a CEO that makes sure everyone's doing their jobs, speaks to the media, and gives the final word on whether or not to go for it on fourth down. Any actual coaching is done by assistants. Furthermore, I was ridiculed for saying that I believed Malzahn was the hands-down #1 OC in the country when we hired him. I didn't say that about every assistant coach just to

, I only said it about Malzahn. Just wanted to point out again that I was right about pretty much everything, since we're doing that. Except the difference between 3/4 and 3/5.