That was the Pinnacle of the tailgating experience.
There literally was no better tailgate in the city of Atlanta. Owned the grassy median opposite the crosswalk to the front entrance to the Georgia Dome in the orange lot. Nick Fairley's parents tailgated with us (By the way, they confirmed to me he ain't coming back...just in case you were wondering...).
We were interviewed all day long by various news crews and sports networks.
After the game a reporter came up to me and asked if I wanted to interview. I obliged.
He asked me how I felt. I responded "When my first son is born, who's going to be named Cameron by the way, that will be the second happiest and most beautiful moment of my life." He then got my full name and where I'm from. I was too drunk to care what affiliate that was, but if you saw that guy, that was me.

I also saw Sweets being bad.