Seriously. I'm not just stirring shit up for the sake of beating a dead horse. I'd love to pick Kaos's mind right about now.
Can even he still maintain his flagship cause that defined him as a poster since the day Chizik was hired?
Even when Chizik had a "pretty solid" first year, he stated that Chizik could win a national championship and it would still be the worst hire of all time. It was still an embarrassment and a black eye on the program. Can anyone really still believe that now that it's upon us? Kaos has waited his whole life for this day. Is he enjoying it? Or is he pissed that Chizik was the one to do it?
Could he possibly admit that the hire was fantastic, and that he was...(gasp)...wrong about his perception? Mind you that Chizik was hired for about half the salary of Saban's, and is already two wins ahead of Saban's W/L record in his first two years, with the championship still to play. And got to the NC game, with a good chance to win it, a year earlier. Saban's achievements were in the midst of Auburn's tailspin decline thanks to Tuberville and Tony Franklin. Chizik did this while they were building a statue of Saban in Tuscaloosa.
Get your

smiley ready. I don't think there can be any doubt now that Gene Chizik was the greatest hire in Auburn history. I think he was easily twice the value of the Saban hire.
I'm ready to build the statue.