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Just noticed something about greaseybammer...


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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2010, 03:45:22 PM »
I noted the worchestershire edit too.
I see a bloody Mary in my future. I'm buzzed right now and will need a hair of the dog in the morning before our Battle for the Boot.
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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2010, 04:25:01 PM »
I see a bloody Mary in my future. I'm buzzed right now and will need a hair of the dog in the morning before our Battle for the Boot.
And I'm going to watch that one on the heels of this spectacular come from behind victory.
So have another!
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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2010, 08:24:44 PM »
Well you princesses can write recipes, discuss food and drink all you want. Stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalala for all I care. You may not want to hear it, you may try and ignore it but truth is truth. I know it. 
Its going to be time for REAL AUBURN FAMILY members to make a stand.
In six months your still gonna be cussing me, but you will admit I have been right about this.
Fuck you, you cock sucking bammer troll. We've all see you in your shadow, even back to your AUC days. All I have to say of fuck you and your bama nation. Undefeated bitch. When all these accusations clear up and we when the NC game, don't worry about coming back to eat crow. Just keep on walking, with a bag of dicks in your mouth.

Oh yeah, take the recipes handed out and eat you some comfort food while you wallow in your sorrow filth bitch.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 08:26:34 PM by djsimp41 »
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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2010, 08:46:52 PM »
phuk you, you cock sucking bammer troll. We've all see you in your shadow, even back to your AUC days. All I have to say of phuk you and your bama nation. Undefeated bitch. When all these accusations clear up and we when the NC game, don't worry about coming back to eat crow. Just keep on walking, with a bag of tools in your mouth.

Oh yeah, take the recipes handed out and eat you some comfort food while you wallow in your sorrow filth bitch.
This guy gets entirely too much attention...  like the kid nobody wants on your team only you go out of your way not to choose him last so as not to hurt his feelings.           Anyway, Piss-off GW!
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The Prowler

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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #44 on: November 26, 2010, 09:23:06 PM »
LMAO...like I said when greaseybammer first started posting "I calls 'em like I sees 'em."  I call greasey being a bammer here and a shows up trying to defend himself, but in the process he outs himself as being a bammer...That's rich, lol.  You can't make this shit up.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

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"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2010, 11:41:49 PM »
LMAO...like I said when greaseybammer first started posting "I calls 'em like I sees 'em."  I call greasey being a bammer here and a shows up trying to defend himself, but in the process he outs himself as being a bammer...That's rich, lol.  You can't make this shit up.
I'd love to know how and why you think I've outted myself as a bammer?  All that has been outted is that you are dumb assed cock sucking no gotta jobby job self righteous living in momma's basement dumb ass.
I'm man enough to have said what I said and to mean it. I called this NCAA hammer fall when the turds regain control. I didn't come on and bash Auburn nor have I ever bashed an Auburn player.
I just called pieces of shit pieces of shit. You need to bring back your shit storm descending on the plain avatar because son it is coming.  Enjoy this season because when this shit hits Marion Military Institute will have a better team than the NCAA will allow us to field.
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The Prowler

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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2010, 12:01:36 AM »
I'd love to know how and why you think I've outted myself as a bammer?  All that has been outted is that you are dumb assed cock sucking no gotta jobby job self righteous living in momma's basement dumb ass.
I'm man enough to have said what I said and to mean it. I called this NCAA hammer fall when the turds regain control. I didn't come on and bash Auburn nor have I ever bashed an Auburn player.
I just called pieces of shit pieces of shit. You need to bring back your shit storm descending on the plain avatar because son it is coming.  Enjoy this season because when this shit hits Marion Military Institute will have a better team than the NCAA will allow us to field.

LMFAO!!!!!!!  Keep towing that bammer company line, fucking piece of horse shit.  Make sure you come back when all of this is over.  Auburn will not be "hammered" and Cam will not be ruled ineligible.  You can take that to the bank.

I must've missed this "hammer" falling on Auburn.  Oh well, must've been a pretty small hammer...
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #47 on: November 27, 2010, 12:14:54 AM »
I'd love to know how and why you think I've outted myself as a bammer?  All that has been outted is that you are dumb assed cock sucking no gotta jobby job self righteous living in momma's basement dumb ass.
I'm man enough to have said what I said and to mean it. I called this NCAA hammer fall when the turds regain control. I didn't come on and bash Auburn nor have I ever bashed an Auburn player.
I just called pieces of shit pieces of shit. You need to bring back your shit storm descending on the plain avatar because son it is coming.  Enjoy this season because when this shit hits Marion Military Institute will have a better team than the NCAA will allow us to field.

Everything, every single fucking post you make is a rehash of every post you see about Auburn on bammer boards, or cess pools like Tiger Droppings.   If you're not a bammer, and that's a big IF...they fucking deserve you.  You're a pathetic piece of shit.
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The Prowler

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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2010, 06:03:42 PM »
I'd love to know how and why you think I've outted myself as a bammer?  All that has been outted is that you are dumb assed cock sucking no gotta jobby job self righteous living in momma's basement dumb ass.
I'm man enough to have said what I said and to mean it. I called this NCAA hammer fall when the turds regain control. I didn't come on and bash Auburn nor have I ever bashed an Auburn player.
I just called pieces of shit pieces of shit. You need to bring back your shit storm descending on the plain avatar because son it is coming.  Enjoy this season because when this shit hits Marion Military Institute will have a better team than the NCAA will allow us to field.

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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2011, 03:49:37 PM »
This just in.....Cam ruled ineligible for the 2011 season due to his declaring for the NFL draft.

I knew it was just a matter of time before they dropped the hammer on him
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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2011, 04:06:34 PM »
This just in.....Cam ruled ineligible for the 2011 season due to his declaring for the NFL draft.

I knew it was just a matter of time before they dropped the hammer on him

DAMN!!!!  GW was right after all.
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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #51 on: January 31, 2011, 11:29:40 AM »
No one but Kevin made statements like, "You can file Chizik getting a 10 win season along with the pictures of the wolf boy." 

And no one but Kevin was as staunch in their opinion of Chizik.

I know he is a very opinionated person and is stubborn as hell, but it was an all out war on this website just to get him to admit that there may be a slight chance Gene Chizik would succeed at Auburn.

Two things.

Nobody had any idea just how good Cam was going to turn out to be.  Oh, you could have made some wild ass guesses, but if he's just an average to good quarterback and not an amalgamation of Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet, Kato, Flash, Thor and Wolverine then the ten-win predictions would have been right there with wolf boy's photo.  Six games could have gone either way without Cam. Four of the six would likely have had a different outcome.  So I'm okay with what I said there.

For the rest, I was being asked to change my opinion BEFORE he'd done a damn thing.  Oh, did you see the tie he wore to his first press conference?  Got to get behind him now.  You're painting a revisionist history of my position.  Read what I wrote for public consumption about Chizik during his first season.  Read where I said he made football fun again (after the WVU game) and where he'd done everything he was expected to do (after the seventh win).  Critical of Roof?  Damn straight.  Concerned that the "defensive guru" Chizik couldn't seem to get the defense fixed?  Yep.  Worried that special teams sucked ass after he said he was going to take over?  Sure.  Amused that he sometimes didn't seem to know what was going on?  Well, yeah.  I remember asking him after one game why Ben Tate rode the bike during the whole first quarter.  He didn't seem to be even aware this had happened and after a moment of hesitation fell back on "we do what we do. I can't speak to the specifics, but we do what we do."   Was I convinced that he was the greatest coach ever after his first year?  No, but I wasn't calling for him to be fired either.  I was exactly where the rest of you were.  Okay, decent first year.  Won a few you shouldn't have, lost a few you should have won. Malzahn is a fantastic find and much better than anticipated.

And for the last time, I will say until the day that I die that the hire itself was AWFUL.  The way it played out, the way Jacobs handled things, everything about the hire was dreadful.  It was the worst in Auburn history. 

I believe I compared it to the rocky start to a marriage.  Doesn't mean the marriage isn't going to work out in the long run, but when you're standing in front of the justice of the peace with no shoes on, a pregnant girlfriend and a shotgun in your back the wedding sucks.   The hire?  Sucked.  Will forever suck.  Eternally.  That's not ever going to change. 

Jay Jacobs kept copies of all your emails, by the way.  Even the ones signed Sancho. 
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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #52 on: January 31, 2011, 04:09:41 PM »
Two things.

Nobody had any idea just how good Cam was going to turn out to be.  Oh, you could have made some wild ass guesses, but if he's just an average to good quarterback and not an amalgamation of Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet, Kato, Flash, Thor and Wolverine then the ten-win predictions would have been right there with wolf boy's photo.  Six games could have gone either way without Cam. Four of the six would likely have had a different outcome.  So I'm okay with what I said there.

For the rest, I was being asked to change my opinion BEFORE he'd done a damn thing.  Oh, did you see the tie he wore to his first press conference?  Got to get behind him now.  You're painting a revisionist history of my position.  Read what I wrote for public consumption about Chizik during his first season.  Read where I said he made football fun again (after the WVU game) and where he'd done everything he was expected to do (after the seventh win).  Critical of Roof?  Damn straight.  Concerned that the "defensive guru" Chizik couldn't seem to get the defense fixed?  Yep.  Worried that special teams sucked ass after he said he was going to take over?  Sure.  Amused that he sometimes didn't seem to know what was going on?  Well, yeah.  I remember asking him after one game why Ben Tate rode the bike during the whole first quarter.  He didn't seem to be even aware this had happened and after a moment of hesitation fell back on "we do what we do. I can't speak to the specifics, but we do what we do."   Was I convinced that he was the greatest coach ever after his first year?  No, but I wasn't calling for him to be fired either.  I was exactly where the rest of you were.  Okay, decent first year.  Won a few you shouldn't have, lost a few you should have won. Malzahn is a fantastic find and much better than anticipated.

And for the last time, I will say until the day that I die that the hire itself was AWFUL.  The way it played out, the way Jacobs handled things, everything about the hire was dreadful.  It was the worst in Auburn history. 

I believe I compared it to the rocky start to a marriage.  Doesn't mean the marriage isn't going to work out in the long run, but when you're standing in front of the justice of the peace with no shoes on, a pregnant girlfriend and a shotgun in your back the wedding sucks.   The hire?  Sucked.  Will forever suck.  Eternally.  That's not ever going to change. 

Jay Jacobs kept copies of all your emails, by the way.  Even the ones signed Sancho.

So you're saying that Auburn won't have another ten win season with Chizik there?  Or has that changed?

I mean, if it was all Cam's doing and all. 

And my point was that you weren't saying, "Let's wait and see it happening."  You're main point was that this awful hire would yield awful results.  That point was wrong. 

The hiring process and publicity was awful, sure.  It will forever be awful.  But from the get-go, the guy hired a great staff and was making noise in recruiting.  It wasn't a big stretch to predict success for Chizik's career at Auburn.
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #53 on: January 31, 2011, 04:26:36 PM »
So you're saying that Auburn won't have another ten win season with Chizik there?  Or has that changed?

I mean, if it was all Cam's doing and all. 

And my point was that you weren't saying, "Let's wait and see it happening."  You're main point was that this awful hire would yield awful results.  That point was wrong. 

The hiring process and publicity was awful, sure.  It will forever be awful.  But from the get-go, the guy hired a great staff and was making noise in recruiting.  It wasn't a big stretch to predict success for Chizik's career at Auburn.

Don't be ridiculous.  I thought the ten-win predictions for this year (based on losing Tate and Todd while breaking in a new QB and without knowing how much a freshman RB could contribute) were premature. To be fair, almost nobody outside the Sancho cabal was predicting as much.  That's the only ten-win prediction I filed with the wolf boy. 

I've already said that Chizik exceeded expectations.  I said that as early as the Tennessee game in Year One.  That "main point" was conceded long ago. 

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Re: Just noticed something about greaseybammer...
« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2011, 05:04:35 PM »

It was an awful hire from this sidewalk fan's perspective too. Other than his strong experience as a coordinator at both Auburn and Texas there was no reason whatsoever to believe that Chizik would be this successful to date as the Head Coach at AU especially given the Iowa State results...NONE! It was a hire somewhere between Barfield and Dye or Bowden and Tubs IMO. Everyone was scratching their heads because it was such a bland hire newsworthy only for it's blandness when there were some bigger names out there and I think most of us were preparing for a high profile guy after the previous regime and the mixed feelings about Tubs from alumni to media. In fact it left me much less excited than when Tub's left Ole Miss for Auburn.

As positive as I wanted to be with Chizik, the staff and the losses of Todd and Tate, I readily admit that my nine to ten win prediction was goofy-assed hope and not very rational given the returnees, plugged in names of unproven recruits and no Nick Fairley in sight. Oh we had a guy in the rotation by the name of Nick Fairley but not a force as important as Cam Newton would become.

Admittedly, I rested my ridiculous prediction almost entirely on Gus Malzahn and playing Alabama off it's feet in the Iron Bowl. Hell I even threw out the miraculous win over Northwestern as an aberration because our  pass defense sucked so badly the entire game, the entire season really. There was no reason to believe that team could pull nine wins in the coming season after seeing that game, even with a genius defensive coordinator on board to compliment Malzahn, favorable schedule upcoming or not.

There was Tyrik Robinson whom many thought was the  the second coming  on recruitment boards, Kodi Burns who would readilly tuck it and run (already an afterthought) Neil Caudle and Barrett Trotter, one recovering from a knee injury in high school and the other about to rehab a knee injury he would suffer in the spring game not yet happened. We had some video of a JaMarcus Russell-looking kid with a few plays at Florida with far less  in the cupboard than the actual prospects at LSU with a returning QB Jordan Jefferson and  GA transfer Mettlenburg  minus Nevis and Peterson next season.

Thanks to Auburn probably seventy- five teams think they are one player away from arrival, BUT THEY AREN"T AUBURN! I don't think it can be explained but the assemblage and retention of a staff of recruiters has to be a large part of the equation but we have seen good staffs with hot shot recruiters before doing far less with better prospects. And for as much as many of us are sold on Tracy Rocker as a DL coach, I seriously doubt Nick fairley was a Rocker creation any more than Newton was a product of Malzahn. Face it, Tracy Rocker cannot teach a guy to become a destructive force and Gus Malzahn cannot teach a guy to refuse to lose,  these guys just inspired the others to raise their games.

We had Bama right where we wanted them at halftime right?, Clemson, Kentucky, Arkansas... all strategically planned, never in doubt. Whatever took place, it falls somewhere between extremely good fortune and divine intervention and it happened under a dark cloud of hate-filled scorn against all odds that seemed to only fuel the team  to persevere  beyond all expectations or any stretch of the imagination and ...it was sustained over an entire season.

There just was no losing with this team, it could not be beaten and we lived it vicariously through them, much sweeter than any other team could possibly have enjoyed before or since  because it was our team and Auburn stuck it up college footballs collective asses and multiple times for Auburn rivals. You could actually turn on  the post game shows and watch the resentful syllables seeping out of their mouths when they mentioned Auburn. It was distressful for them to come to terms with this team, and I hope it traumatizes the bastards forever. There IS NO reason to think Auburn has a chance to win nine or ten games in 2011... there just isn't! Any thoughts along those lines must contain a strong degree of faith over logic.   
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