Oh there's something you can do alright.
You can not focus on winning. Then you'll overcome LSU playing a perfect game.
THS...Saban has developed a thing called Saban-speak. It's coach speak with more than a dash of arrogant asshole thrown in. He's developed a language that is an advanced language designed to mystify bammers. Not normally necessary to go to great lengths to do that, but they did have the king of coach speak in da bahr...so they've heard the tired bullshit before.
I understand what he's saying, but I'm not sure if you're being funny, or you don't really get it.
Saban is only saying, in a way he can draw out, and make smart assed remarks about...a way that he can talk down to people: "Everybody has the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win."
Fans put way too much emphasis on play calling, game day coaching, and adjustments. All of that happens on game day...the game(s) is/are won or lost on the practice field the week prior. Yes there are game day decisions that
can make a huge difference, but that's not really coaching (coaching is primarily teaching) that's more executive decision making on tactics and strategy. That matters in being a coach, but you can justify just about any strategic decision...Miles may have more difficulty than most, except that so many of his head scratching decisions work out for him, but most coaches can justify why they did or didn't go for it...and if it worked, you'll buy it, and if it didn't you won't, regardless.
The season is made in the weight room, and with off season training the winter and spring prior. If you have one or two starters half step off a NC team...you have a drop off. A few players here and there think they're good enough to just show up...or that the team will cover them because the team is good enough...and a couple of plays here and there, make a game or lose a game.
So, yeah, I get what he's saying...he's just saying it like the asshole he is. Talking down to folks, making them feel stupid.