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Momma said ESPN is of the Debil.


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Momma said ESPN is of the Debil.
« on: November 10, 2010, 03:38:20 PM »
I like this guy.
A Pox On All Your Houses!
Young Men are just that. Young, impressionable and on a journey to maturity . It is a journey of trial and error. One filled with experimentation, susceptibility and often naiveté”.

Who among us can claim that our journey into manhood did not include a dose of stupidity and some poor decisions?

Most of us though did not have to travel that path in the white hot spotlight of sports stardom. Cam Newton chose that path. And now, he is being assassinated by a wave of unnamed “sources” and allegations that take root simply because of his celebrity.

Cam Newton made some mistakes before he got to get under center for the Auburn Football program.

Before he was heralded as possibly the very best football player in the nation, Newton’s mistakes were just footnotes in his path to maturity.

He bought a stolen lap top. He paid for that mistake. He left the University of Florida and enrolled at Blinn Junior College. Did he leave Florida because of Tim Tebow? Or were there other reasons? I don’t know! And quite frankly no one outside maybe his immediate circle of friends didn’t care either.

We also know that young men who excel at football become targets. Targets for low life scum who want to ride the backs of these young men in a perverse manner of abuse that will reward these gutter dwellers with riches and a position of influence that feeds their narcissism. Sometimes, these low lifes fail and turn on their prey to “teach them a lesson”.

I don’t know if that is the case with Cam Newton.

What I do know, is that the media have pounced on this story ONLY after ESPN decided to give it a national platform.

The fact that ESPN chose to publish this story as Newton and his team played through the SEC and Cam became a Heisman leader is not coincidental. This is not a story that just popped onto the radar screen. It is one that…when you strip away the unnamed sources and the innuendo has been part of the Cam Newton story for more than 2 years!

Now, what we have is a witch hunt.

ESPN is on the defensive and other media outlets are compelled to get their “Exclusive” slice of the story. Cam Newton’s blood is in the water and the sharks are feeding.

As Newton’s coach, Gene Chizk said the other day. THIS IS GARBAGE!

I could not agree more.

But, I would go one step further. It puts the media into the same category as those  influence peddlers and predators that latch onto young men and ride their accomplishments to fame and fortune.

I do not wish to be one of those. I also think any additional discussion regarding this entire feces laden situation is simply what ESPN, The NY Times and now others sought to do. Destroy and individual young athlete who learned from his mistakes and has become a Man in the process.

I will be voting for Cam Newton when my Heisman ballot arrives. And I will never forget what ESPN has done. I have said it before and now I am sure. ESPN is not good for the sport of College Football. It is a self serving institution that is dedicated to one thing…….ESPN!
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Re: Momma said ESPN is of the Debil.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 03:50:56 PM »
As for Cam, I ran across this article:
Here is a portion pertaining to Cam from his ex-Florida roommate, Joe Haden.

Cleveland Browns rookie cornerback Joe Haden said Newton isn’t worried about the allegations being leveled against him. Haden lived with Newton for 1 1/2 years and considers his former roommate when the two were at Florida his best friend.

Haden spoke to the Heisman Trophy hopeful on the phone for an hour on Tuesday night. Haden said Newton, who has been accused of cheating while he was with the Gators, “is not letting this stuff get to him too much. He said, ‘Joe, I got a plan and everything is going to work out for the best.”’

Haden believes Newton is only being targeted because he’s playing so well this season.
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Tiger Wench

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Re: Momma said ESPN is of the Debil.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 03:53:50 PM »
Ahhh, Jack Arute.  Brent Mussberger's (former??) sidelines guy.

"For an update from the field, let's go to Jackarute..." (Always said as one word.)
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