Okay, sentimental rant coming.
Brian, I agree with you about the love for Auburn. I don't say this to toot my horn and certainly, saying this wouldn't do that anyway. I graduated from Auburn and met my wife there. My daughter attended Auburn, as did my sister, my father, his father etc. My dad has been a scholly contributor for 40+ years. Again, big deal...all of us have ties in some way to this school whether we actually went there or not or have our own building named after us. We all love it in our own way. HOWEVER...
The one thing that does tie us together as the Auburn family is...Football!!! It's not the Chemistry Department or the Engineering Department and we don't sit around discussing the inner-workings of Auburn's admissions process or how Auburn's Interior Design grads are doing in the work place. If you didn't go to Auburn, it's your connection to the family. I spent 7 great years....I mean 4 great years living there, but it's Auburn football that brings me back to campus. Yes, I have my diploma framed and on the wall, but I don't look at it harkening back to those crazy days in Haley Center.
Auburn football is why Auburn message boards exist. I'd dare say that when you get down to it, it's the sole reason that most of us actually know each other. We didn't all originally meet at an Education Major's reunion and BBQ. Auburn football is the reason we travel to New Orleans and Atlanta and to the campus itself as an Auburn family. Rolling Toomer's Corner after a win is how we connect with thousands of others in the Auburn family. It's the reason why those who didn't attend the University have fallen in love with the place and it's people and want to be a part of that family.
I'm not saying that football IS Auburn University. It's not. There's a million more things that go into making up Auburn. But there's no disputing that Auburn football is the biggest factor in bringing us together as a family. We can all say the creed and believe in it and blah, blah, blah....but we'd be saying and living it by ourselves if football wasn't so damn much a part of everyone's life and the focal point of why hundreds of thousands of people flock to the campus every year. My point ultimately is that if those who run the program and are in a sense, the caretakers of what brings so many of us together, wind up disgracing this program and this University and causing irreparable damage to it, it'll be a long time before I'll come back or be able to get that great feeling and anticipation of going back. I do have a certain trust in those who run this program and if they abuse that trust and blow up Auburn football....