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*Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.

The Prowler

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*Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« on: November 07, 2010, 01:51:59 AM »
From an email...It took me nearly an hour to copy, paste & space it out so that it could be readable.  So read and enjoy, please.

Obviously the meltdown is very active at the moment so there may be some more awesome stuff as the night goes on, but I thought I would go ahead and post a few of the things I have already seen. I am sure I may have missed some great stuff as their mods are deleting the really bad stuff pretty quickly. As usual, save the LBS crap. bama fans losing it over a loss is one of the most entertaining things one can experience imo. In order to make it easier to follow, I tried to separate each post with "----". Enjoy.

WALSH: "Something is not right with this team" . Divided Locker Room? This was said in the Thursday Instant Analysis. With TP30's post about Kenny Bell and a hint at a divided locker room...could this be what Walsh meant? A divided locker room would explain a lot...lack of intensity, leadership, etc. Anyone have insights to players and know if this is a possibility? I am just asking a honest question about a team that has underperformed much of the year. Re: WALSH: "Something is not right with this team" .

Divided Locker Room? Saban has probably lost this team to be honest with you and when I say "lost this team",that is a relative term.This team is going to go out and beat MSU(no guarantee)and make "War Cash Eagle" work a little to beat us but this team is not going to pour its soul into the rest of the season when they know the coaches havent played the best man at the most critical position on the team(the QB position).If this staff had played AJ today,we are still in the hunt for BCS but the coaches are too concerned with the "legend of Greg McElroy".
I will admit it, I am not a technical football guy... (preface: I am extremely grateful for the great Bama coaches/players/games I have seen in my 46 years. I have seen MANY more games won than lost. I am thankful that I got to watch 6 NC's with my Dad. It's just a game and I have perspective in my life.) but seeing that we don't have DL that gets much penetration or sacks, why would you rush 4 and not blitz on 3 and 13 with the game essentially on the line? And the receiver was WIDE open anyway! I also see an almost arrogance in the face of defeat as far as play calling on both O and D. I know Saban has said that he wants balance and he wants to dominate to the point that the other guy knows you are gonna run and can't do anything about it. However, when they CAN do something about it, shouldn't you adjust? But they keep calling the O plays like we have a great defense.
is it almost funny that when we need 50 yards we throw a 5 yards pass never seen anything like that.. did our oFF CORD know there was .18 left and we needed 50 on that play
Re: is it almost funny that when we need 50 yards we throw a 5 yards pass That's our QB for you.
Re: is it almost funny that when we need 50 yards we throw a 5 yards pass its doesnt matter.. not even a middle school coach would call a 5 yard route on the only play that would give us a chance if we hit a 50 yard pass... anything but a bomb and we lose... guess they knew it was over
Re: is it almost funny that when we need 50 yards we throw a 5 yards pass unless we throw a 50 yards pass. GAME OVER... how could anyone call a 5 yards play.. I seriously am not sure our OC knew what the time was??
Re: is it almost funny that when we need 50 yards we throw a 5 yards pass That's all Sacelroy has done all year, look for the short passes.
Our worst fears That our players our turning on some of the coaches(McElwain). Seeing the comments of Kenny Bell and the stuff on BJ Scott. Hopefully these are isolated and dont reflect the rest of the team. I think the players are getting frustrated either with themselves or with the decisions of the coaches. Either way its not good.
Re: Our worst fears Originally posted by bamabroker09: our play calling is aweful... we scored with easy once we had too and turned loose.. but all those runs into the middle of an 8 man front and dump passes make you sick to even watch... I was doing my QB talk from the coach well more like yelling but was saying "WHY DO WE KEEP RUNNING AT THE MIDDLE". Someone then said its to set up stuff u know. Set up what..... a big FAIL
Complacency........... THis is our problem.. How do we deal with it? THis was one thing i was scared of prior to the season. Its one of the hardest things to overcome. We need leadership and its not gonna come until this team understands what it feels like to loose and loose bad. THe great thing about last years team was that it was filled with players that worked hard and focused on the process. This team is thinking about the results. "Keep your head up and act like a champion". We will win another championship in the next few years because of all this, just part of the process..We will be back and we will be better than ever because of this.. Lets stay positive.. RTR
Plain and Simple ....... Our defense lost this one against the worse offense in the conference. RTR-STEVE
where is the weak link on this team? gotta say its greg. holding the ball too long costs us usc game and now this one. sucks because this IS a solid football team with some of the very best athletes in the game all on the same side of the field at the same time.
It will be our year next year We are young this year so chill out the only reason the barn is winning they are paying players next year will be different.
McElroy too smart He is too smart to play QB , I dont think he has enough confidence in himself, you know he is the nerd that relies on everybody else to pull him through?
Our D Look, before everyone jumps all over our D it is still young and had not geled yet. ?This bama team couldn't even beat their wife.
It's no secret the blue print for beating Alabama was put in place at the Auburn Game last year. Put 8 in the box and have #12 beat you. Since teams have done this we are 3-2 in games the team load the box. We beat Auburn, Arkansas, and UT. We lost to South Carolina and LSU. I know a lot of people are against pulling Greg but something has to give this offense a jump and teams are not scared of #12's arm what so ever.
Re: where has our running We cant run because teams do not respect gregs passing. Teams will continue to play the same way until we can open up a threat in the passing game..As much as i love greg and everything he has done for Alabama i think its time for him to be a true leader and hand over the reigns.. He has been a great QB because we havent given up many points defensively over the past 2 years.. Teams now know the only way to beat Bama is the same way Auburn played us last year.. We were exposed by Auburn last year and teams are reaping the benefits..
This one's on the coaches Worst effort I've seen since Utah. Coaches lost this one, no two ways about it. Most uninspired team I've seen in a while. Sad that it comes off a bye.
im McElwain needs to be fired What a terribly called offensive game. Our third down defense sucks. That's all.
What a terribly called offensive game. Our third down defense sucks. That's all.
So, McElwain should be fired because our 3rd down D sucks?
told everyone three weeks ago if 12 is our QB we will lose to Reply LSU and AU. WE left two TD's on the field to 4. 12 misses so many receivers down the field. You want to watch a QB turn it on ESPN. We should have never lost that game. This is on SABAN. I love him and would never want another coach but this is on him for staying with 12. Go ahead and get ready, if 12 is our QB against AU we will lose BIG.
Re: I told everyone three weeks ago if 12 is our QB we will lose to Reply Greg McElroy doesn't deserve to wear the number 12.
Re: I told everyone three weeks ago if 12 is our QB we will lose to Reply I post the truth. WE NEED a leader on O and we don't have one. When players are made to follow a "fake" leader bad things will happen.
Re: I told everyone three weeks ago if 12 is our QB we will lose to Reply Saban doesn't want to piss Jerry Jones off. (G)
Re: I told everyone three weeks ago if 12 is our QB we will lose to Reply Running you have zero clue, zero. 12 hits a wide open 4 for a TD we go up 14 -3 whole different game. He his 4 when the DB fell down in the first half we go up 21-3 in the first half whole different game. We have 3 first round players on O we can't out score anyone. You do NOT know what you are talikng about. HE misses more wide open receivers that anyone in D1 football.
My neighbor just kicked his dog-I think I will have to step in Reply and stop the insanity.
Re: My neighbor just kicked his dog-I think I will have to step in Reply you need to man. animal abuse is not cool at all
Re: My neighbor just kicked his dog-I think I will have to step in Sadly I believe you. We have way too many fans who are too emotionally vested in BAMA football. BAMA lossing literally ruins their life.
Spread Offense more effective in college football? Reply Personally, I don't think teams like Oregon or Auburn have near the ELITE offensive talent on offense that we have (at least 3 skill players that will be 1st Round Draft Picks....and probably 1-2 more linemen in Barrett Jones and eventually DJ Fluker).
With that said, why do Oregon and Auburn have offenses that are much more effective than ours. People say our offense is "ball control" and it keeps our defense off the field and thus, our defense plays better as a result. Well LSU gained 243 yards of offense against Auburn and 433 yards on us today. I think we need to change our offensive philosophy as it makes no sense to have better much talent yet other teams get far better results from their offense. This is like working far more hours on a job but getting paid much less than a co-worker that works less.?
This offense is frustrating.... Bama born and raised...educated and cultivated via Duke (Undergrad) and UNC-Chapel Hill (Grad School).....?
We still miss you Bear We have a great coach but we cant sustain like you did. You would have taken this LSU team to the woodshed.
Could it be....... the real reason we lost is like it will be for the next several seasons. It's from the Bear Bryant days when we dominated so much and everyone laid their ears back to beat us. That tradition carries over to this day with Saban bringing that tradition alive again. Everyone in the SEC wants to beat Bama. We have six teams set their bye weeks to play us. Everyone wants to beat Bama. Our team and our fans need to understand this. Bama needs to prepare physically and mentally to a whole new level to match this challenge. Teams will be more inspired to play us simply be cause we have the winning tradition that we have. To the players you need to take your preparation to a new level to meet this challenge. How much more as a competitor could you ask for. As a fan, we need to step it up and not have the meltdowns after a loss that we have and understand that we have a Golden target on our backs and try to step up to an all new level of class and sportsmanship. Lose with grace and win with humility. RTR!!!
Re:I feel an Ole-timey drunk comin' on The kind where you listen to Patsy Cline on your front porch. Just you and the bottle.
THANKS GMAC you have been great. Time to think of the future Reply GMAC has been a great manager/ QB.. I thought times were great that we had someone who could throw the deep ball. He Loved to throw the deep ball. Someway in the mix he wasn't allowed or lost his confidence in throwing the deep ball. I am afraid that AJ will suffer the same problem next next year. Why is it that despite us having the best receiver in the SEC we cannot find the open receiver when 8 guys are stacked in the box. This was new with S Caroline. This is no longer NEW! WHY CANNOT WE FIGURE THIS OUT!
Re: THANKS GMAC you have been great. Time to think of the future Our offense production against the 6 respectable teams we played this season is 24, 24, 24, 19, 23 & 21 for an average of 22.5 ppg. With the talent we have on that side of the ball, that, my Bama friends, is pathetic. Now that we are out of the hunt for the national title, there is absolutely nothing to be gained by playing McElroy one more down the rest of the season.
If you are in awe of Oregon, Auburn, or Boise's offense.... then you should be more than dissatisfied with the state of ours. NONE of those teams have the talent we do offensively. I keep seeing excuses and frankly there should not be any. This is the most talented offense in the nation, it is why we were picked the pre-season #1. This very well may be the greatest collection of talent we'll ever see at one time offensively wearing Crimson...I'm sorry, I cannot chalk this year up for CJM as a mulligan offensively, and neither should the rest of you (yes even you sunshiners)!
Re: If you are in awe of Oregon, Auburn, or Boise's offense.... Dude, I'm frustrated as hell just like you. At this point I've thought more than once why don't we just head up to Boise, Oregon, etc. find someone and pay them whatever it takes to install their system here. When you have the talent we have yet struggle to score against Ole Miss at home you lose your patience.
Cosmo3, not that I disagree with your point because I don't. However, I don't believe any of those team's production is due to their O-Line. I believe playcalling has hindered our ability to let our playmaker's shine. Dare I say this because I know I what's coming next...Malzahn would devastate the other SEC teams with our offense. CJM cannot be let off the hook for wasting this talent level. I say it and I maintain it...subtract Florida and Texas (which had zero pass production) and last year's offensive playcalling also was bland, vanilla, and predictable. We are winning because we have the talent...but we are nowhere near our potential. To say otherwise is absurd and at some point someone has to start asking why that continually is. RTR!!!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 02:21:00 AM by The Prowler »
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 06:12:30 AM »
Those are all off of the BOL Roundtable.
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler

Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 09:41:29 AM »
The assertion that AJ would be better is fantastic.   :clap:
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Tiger Wench

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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 09:53:03 AM »
Plus that statement about how bammer is better offensively than Auburn...

Cam.  Dyer.  Adams.  McCaleb.  Our Front Four Big Nasties.

WTFEver.  We will see in three weeks.
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 11:03:09 AM »
Best quote I've seen on any Bama board.

Fire the coach and bench everybody. AWESOME. I hate Alabama fans.
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Tiger Wench

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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2010, 11:20:20 AM »
Best quote I've seen on any Bama board.

I thought you didn't post on bammer boards... :rofl:

Saban to Cowboys... you heard it here first.
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2010, 11:23:44 AM »
The bullshit about how much more "ELITE" they are in offensive talent than us, Oregon, and Boise is hilarious, especially coming out of the opposite side as the same mouths saying McElroy doesn't deserve to wear Crimson.

Also one of those posters reminded me of a funny point I would have otherwise missed.

I thought having a bye week makes you bulletproof against your next opponent? That's why you're at an unfair disadvantage for most of your games right?
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 11:30:34 AM »
I thought you didn't post on bammer boards... :rofl:

Saban to Cowboys... you heard it here first.

I usually post on 1 during the season, not as much as here though. 

From the same poster, another great qoute.....

I'll probably get banned for this, oh well.

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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2010, 11:32:34 AM »
I thought you didn't post on bammer boards... :rofl:

Saban to Cowboys... you heard it here first.
Nutt to Bama.
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2010, 11:42:00 AM »
Nutt to Bama.

That would be glorious.
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On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2010, 11:53:29 AM »
The bullshit about how much more "ELITE" they are in offensive talent than us, Oregon, and Boise is hilarious, especially coming out of the opposite side as the same mouths saying McElroy doesn't deserve to wear Crimson.

Also one of those posters reminded me of a funny point I would have otherwise missed.

I thought having a bye week makes you bulletproof against your next opponent? That's why you're at an unfair disadvantage for most of your games right?

Bammer has some pretty good skill position players (maybe even great if you take them as a collection), a decent QB, and an avg offensive line.   Those second 2 hamper the greatness of the first.  That's not to say that it's a bad offense...just not great.
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2010, 01:14:20 PM »
That would be glorious.
The Bahr recruited him. Nice little intro for him,"I'm finally at the place I should have been in the first place. National Championship Under Construction".
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Tiger Wench

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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2010, 05:12:33 PM »
Got this off Facebook - I left grammar and spelling "as is"... LOVE IT.  Let the hatin' begin!!!

DOOFUS 1:   Les Miles didn't beat Nick Saban. Alabama was not hungry enough this year, They wanted to rest on their laurels. It's hard to win with an erratic QB

DOOFUS 2:  I lay the blame more on the offensive line that McElroy.

DOOFUS 1:  Yeah the whole team- the defense also

DOOFUS 1:  They made LSU's quarterbacks look like Peyton Manning

DOOFUS 2:  Yeah...way too much 'bend but don't break' in this defense. They broke.

DOOFUS 2:  Rumor has it that jerry Jones is talking to Saban. The over-expecting critics out there don't need to give Saban a reason to consider the offer.

DOOFUS 1:  I don't think Saban would work in that situation co-head coach with Jerry Jones

DOOFUS 2:  Hate to say it...but money talks!

DOOFUS 1:   Yep Saban is a bidnessman.

DOOFUS 2:  He won't do anything unless he is compensated- one commercial in particular- Alabama's strength coach is on it.

DOOFUS 3:  I heard the rumor about the Cowboys yesterday, straight out of Tuscaloosa, before the game. Remember how he left the Dolphins...denied the "rumor" on the way the plane leaving for T'town.

DOOFUS 4:  Saban will never go back to the NFL. And I can assure you he won't work for Jerry Jones. He had enough of Pete at the Dolphins. I am sure the Cowboys would love to have him, but Saban likes it in T-town and he is close to his lake property. He will be at Bama as long as they want him to be.

DOOFUS 6 (a woman):  I want to know what happen to the oh so great McElroy? His arm got a pipe in it and a broken timer. He dont throw good as people said he did. I can't figure out if its the team or coaching that sucks. Im leaning towards the team !!!! Sabin can coach them but he can't play for them. They dont seem to be as aggressive....Looks like SC took their heart out....Although I guess they did do good..they scored 21 points against a tuff a--- team.....

DOOFUS 7:  ‎@DOOFUS 6 he completed most of his passes. He's use to last year's offensive line so he hesitates and waits for a decent pass. This year's O line isn't nearly as good as last years though. That's why you see guys break loose and run willy nilly to sack the QB. Same goes for Ingram and Richardson trying to break through up the middle.

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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2010, 07:33:50 PM »
The more and more I see this shit on the Bama boards, I just feel like knocking the fuck out of the first person I see on the street wearing anything Alabama. WE HAVE LOST 4 GAMES IN 3 FUCKING YEARS, WITH TWO SECCG APPEARANCES, 1 SEC TITLE, AND A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP PEOPLE. That is pretty good by any standard in the SEC. Is it just SO hard to be halfway reasonable? Throw in the fact that AU is heading for a NC game appearance, and alot of our fans are on the edge of the cliff. At this point, I'm counting on us losing to AU, and then it will be really interesting. Hopefully some of our fans will jump off that cliff.

If Saban left Alabama tomorrow, I would not blame him one bit. Some of our fans are such morons, it truly is frustrating.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 07:35:33 PM by RWS »
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler


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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2010, 08:32:34 PM »
Nutt to Bama.

Well I just wanna tell ya, I love that helmet.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2010, 08:36:12 PM »
Well I just wanna tell ya, I love that helmet.

Fuck.  That's it.  We haven't been lining out shit up. 

I'm emailing Saban now.   
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2010, 08:51:51 PM »
Fuck.  That's it.  We haven't been lining out shit up. 

I'm emailing Saban now.
Tell him that he neeeds ti come see some of the boards all thee stucpid fucking fans have this shit fugrued out. Theyy dont know shit, us asshoolesl on the boards got it. god i fucking hate our fans. fucl.

Hey fuck yoy Prowler. Fuck. YOu.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 08:53:14 PM by RWS »
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler


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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2010, 09:24:51 PM »
Tell him that he neeeds ti come see some of the boards all thee stucpid phuking fans have this poop fugrued out. Theyy dont know poop, us asshoolesl on the boards got it. god i phuking hate our fans. fucl.

Hey phuk yoy Prowler. phuk. YOu.
Wait till Prowler surprises us all with his Mississippi St. over Bama prediction.
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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2010, 09:56:12 PM »
Wait till Prowler surprises us all with his Mississippi St. over Bama prediction.
Prowler as Carl Brutananadilewski, giving out his Stone Cold Lock of the Century (of the Week)?
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The Prowler

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Re: *Keyboard Warning* meltdown per bammer board.
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2010, 11:17:08 PM »
MSU - 17
SPuat - 21
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs