There were a lot of things that had to happen when The Chin & Co. took over on Teh Planes. First, they had to instill some excitement back in the program as a whole. The Tiger Prowl, a good finish to the recruiting class and the overall optimism from Corches like Trooper Taylor got the ball rolling there. Next, they had to implement an offensive system to a program whose offense was, well...offensive. Remember, after the failed Franklin debacle, AU really had no system in place. They ran a scaled down high school offense just to get through the rest of the season.
Part of that process involved not only finding a QB and getting the right people in place, it included getting a very talented offensive line back to where they needed to be physically. Again, Franklin's system involved slimming the linemen way down and once he left, they were trying to man up with SEC defensive lines playing 20-30 at pounds lighter than they are now.
I don't think anyone really thought the cupboard was completely bare, but the program overall had no direction and was just treading water. Sometimes, it's just a matter of a new staff coming in and getting everyone on the same page.