Silly chick comment here - before you flame me, please remember that I never played a down of organized football, and playcalling and schemes are a bit beyond me since I have never studied them in detail. I am not an X and O kind of girl (except XXOXOXOOX...

) I do love reading threads like some of you have posted where you dissect the plays - I learn a lot.
But one thing I have noticed as a casual student of the game this year is that no two games we have played look the same. One is all Cam running, another is all Cam passing, another is Cam passing with O and Dyer running, another has Adams as primary receiver, another has Blake... and not only is every week different, but we are getting better and better and better and stronger and stronger as the weeks roll by. In the past, by game 7 or 8, even I have pretty much been able to call the plays based on the previous weeks. Not this year. Every game shows something completely new and different, or vastly expanded over previous weeks, or incredibly improved over previous weeks. And I love it. It's not just "Here's what we do - here's what you do - we are just gonna do what we do better than what you can do, past your abillity to stop us, so bring it..." It's more like "Well, we can do this or this or this or this... so which one can you defend, big man? Guess what? If you stop A, we still have B and C and D..."
I realize that you have to taper your game plan to what you think your opponent will throw at you - but what I love is the thought that opposing D coordinators have to be losing sleep trying to figure out how to defend against Auburn every week, knowing that we have an answer to everything that has been tried so far. There are only so many ways to defend - and up to this point, Auburn has taken care of business.
I know, nothing earthshattering to all of you guys - but this has been the most exciting year of Auburn football in my lifetime, and I am soaking it in, just full of amazement. I cannot WAIT for each Saturday to see what new look Gus pulls out of his hip pocket.