The same play scored twice for us on Saturday. I sort of showed it in another thread friday, but this is how we ran it vs LSU. We're making our living off this play, and variations of it. We run it from different looks, and we can shift and motion, and they can audible which side they want to run it to based on the Def. alignment. Most times it's a read, sometimes it's straight give. Dyer ran one for a good gain off the straight "Power O", but Cam's "Heisman Moment" and McCaleb's long TD run were the same read play. Cam makes it go...the play calling during the whole game makes it go, and it's a "pick your poison" type deal for the defense. Instead of the normal backside read on the Zone Read, it's a frontside read of the DE, and they may still block him as well as read him. The only thing that really changes on the straight give "Power O" play, and the read option is how they deal with the DE on the front side, and the flow of the backs. On the Power O, they simply "kick him" with the F.
Cam's "Heisman Run". LSU looked to be in a hard Cover 2 here, but I'm not great at reading Defenses. Eric Smith is the F (I guess they call him H-Back), and Fannin is the H. I don't know if Smith is supposed to influence the DE or not, but he clearly avoided blocking him, and turned upfield after he went around him. The frontside DE is the read, and he comes upfield...that's a "keep read" for Cam. I would guess that Fannin is supposed to carry out a fake sweep around the end, but in this play, the DE was right in his path, so Mario cut it up field after the ball was pulled, and delivered a nice block that helped the run go. The pulling G, Isom, pulls up through the hole, and looks for the first LB he can find.

Ontario's "seal the deal" run. Same play, different look. LSU appears to be in a Cover 4 this play, but I can't see the S or the CB to the trips side. This time we're in Trips Left, and the F is Emory Blake. He gets enough of a block on the LB or DB ("W" whichever it is), Burns gets a decent enough block, as does the outermost WR (I can't tell who it was from the video), the Free Safety whiffed his tackle attempt at the point of attack, and Peterson couldn't run him down in time. This time, though the DE, I'm sure because of the adjustments LSU made to slow Cam, executes a "block down/step down" fill the hole left by Ziemba blocking down, and instead of the pulling G, Isom, going up field, he simply blocks the DE with a log lock, and it doesn't even have to be a devastating block as there's no way that DE can reverse field to catch McCaleb. That DE stepping down is a "give read" for Cam, and with speed man Ontario McCaleb at the H, it's lights out for the LSU defense. This play was set up by Cam pounding up the middle all day on the same type of play, and it was executed with a good read by Cam, and good blocking by our WR corp.

You can see them both here:'s at the :10sec mark, and McCaleb's at the :38sec mark.