JR... This is real simple...
1. You threw the

out at Chizad because you felt like his statement was entirely a "hope" rather than anything based on what you see as reality. However, it's only because you immediately assumed he was just being a homer that you didn't just read what he said, which was perfectly justifiable, and simply an opinion.
Then you flip flop on how it's "bammers and their polsters" position that made you point and call Chizad AFTER the poll comes out dropping bammer as Chizad had hoped, and call it a common thing. In fact, here's your quote:
6 to 8 spots is normal if you get beat, not lose on a fluke or whatver. Sometime a couple more if it's a home loss, a couple less if it's a close road loss. This was a sure nuff loss for bammer, and not a close one. Pollsters got it about as right as they could.
So, in conclusion, you went from calling Chizad a sunshine pumper basically to agreeing with his position. Now you're dancing around it like a jackass and acting like it's everyone else confusing the situation.
Get over yourself. You just got it wrong. They dropped more than you thought. What's the big fucking deal?