Every single Admiral Ackbar mask on the entire internet is sold out.
I know this, because, since I will be in Oxford for Halloween, I had decided to do this. I already bought the red cowboy hat.
I tried literally 30-40 vendors through Google Shopping. I thought I had a hit three times, because the site didn't indicate they were sold out. I was able to order, put it on my credit card, and get confirmation that my order had been placed.
The first place sent me an email regretting to inform me that the item was out of stock. I took the proactive approach on the next two and called them after my order was placed. Both found out, while on the phone with me, that they were also out of stock.
WTF is going on. I know I'm not THAT unoriginal.
Either A) This is going to make going as the Joker two years ago look original, or B) Some rich asshole bought up every single Ackbar mask on the internet. I'm thinking they had to have produced like 10,000 plus of these. Maybe the Ole Miss fans are planning on trying to get the whole crowd to wear them?
Something is definitely fishy.
And I have to come up with a new Halloween idea.