It's really a good example of what Aubie 16 said the other day about Leach's, Franklin's (and his protege Neal Brown), and Dana Holgerson's systems being "totally different. They're the same offense, being called by different play callers with different talent sets. It's Meyer's offense, being run by Addazzio instead of Mullen (who helped Meyer create it), and without Tebow. It aint working quite as well as it has in the recent past, but they're not going to abandon it because the fans think they should.
Meyer's passing game has never been regarded as especially ingenious. He had Leach in during the off-season to consult n the passing game, and I've seen them run a few plays that look familiar to Leach's offense, but can't honestly say they didn't have them in the playbook already.
Just an armchair opinion.....(since we all know that is all I can give

It's almost like UF has two offenses. One when Brantley is the QB, and one when Burton is the QB. When Burton comes in, they call Tebow-like plays. When Brantly comes in, it's a mixed up abortion of Tebow-like plays and drop back passing. I think part of the problem is they are fucking with the QBs too much. When you have two talented QBs, using a two QB system works well. But when you have two mediocre to not-so-great QBs, then I just don't see that working out too well. Brantley looked pretty good when he could drop back and pass from the pocket. Not so much on any dive plays, option, jump pass, etc.
I guess it's sorta like I said after the game......pick a QB, and pick an offense. What is your offense's strength going to be? What is it going to be known for? It just looked like the offense didn't really have any direction, they didn't feel confident in what they were doing, could do a lot of different things, but none of them very well.