I just have to get this out there.
If there is ANY ONE team or fanbase in CFB that whines and is the most full of excuses, it has to be our friends over in Athens, GA. These people just cannot LOSE straight up. It is something with their insecure little minds. No no....there has to be more to the Dawgs just losing. Has to be an excuse. I mean, these are the precious Bulldog, they just don't lose to anyone fair and square. There was this one fumble see. Or, no wait, that ref - yeah he did it to us. Or no, wait - the damned FG kicker - yeah, he did it. If just that one little play had just went the other way, we woulda WON!! Right? Wrong.
On Thursday, I turned the radio on and listened (very rare occasion) to Finebaum. He said one thing I totally agree with. Which is what I said in the first paragraph. That Georgia is the whiniest, most excuse laden fanbase in all of sports (which Texas perhaps being a close 2nd). It is something to do with their pride. They are pathetic. Just accept that a sorry assed Big 12 North team who had not won back to back games in over 2 years, just whipped your ass. Turnovers as an excuse? Nope, Colorado had one as well. Penalties and biased refs? No way, penalties were pretty even. Well, well, well.......well nothing Bulldog fans. You got your ass kicked. If it only took one penalty or one turnover by your team to get you beat by Colo-fucking-rado, then your team was in deep shit before that. It means Colorado was in a position to beat you, which they should not have been. You can't say you beat them in the stat column because you didn't. 405 vs 395 total yards tells me that this was a pretty even game. Stats are oh-so-precious to the Uggers. Oh, BTW - Colorado also missed a FG.
And to hear the Uggers talk about whoulda, coulda, shouldas with Arkansas is hilarious. Arkansas had the Dawgs blown out on their own field and LET them back into that game. And in the end, knowing what Arkansas was going to try to do on the final drive, Mallet and Petrino still made your DC look like a bozo. Congrats Dawgs - we know you would have won if not for that one ___________ (insert any pathetic excuse here).
Your coach has lost this team - admit it. There has been a downward spiral since your 'great' coach decided to get all ghetto and call for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on purpose against Fla a couple of years ago. He instilled a bad culture into that team. It is still there. You suck. Just take your medicine and say it in unison......"we suck".
Further proof that the state of Ga is in denail that they indeed suck is the AJC and their Bulldog Knob licking selves. Mainly, Mark Bradley. ==>
http://blogs.ajc.com/mark-bradley-blog/2010/09/30/5-reasons-the-georgia-bulldogs-are-better-off-than-you-think/?cxntfid=blogs_mark_bradley_blogHere is another article just full of excuses....
http://www.ajc.com/sports/uga/uga-football-what-we-656741.htmlBottom line is: Richt has recruited enough talent at UGA the last 8-9 years to stockpile an NFL roster (literally). UGA was the only team the last 9 years (until this last year) to be in the top 10 in recruiting EVERY YEAR. Not even Texas did that. His Dawgs have not even sniffed the NC Hunt. Cry all you want about 2007 and "getting left out" but your loss to Tennessee that year bit you in the ass. If you can't even beat every team in your division and make it to the Conf Title Game, how do you reason it so that you should be included the BCSCG? Laughable. At least Oklahoma MADE it to the Big 12 Title Game in 2003 (even though they lost to KState) when they made it to the BCSCG. The UGA 2007 team was not THAT good and was not NC material. And to be too proud to even recognize this downward trend and the "big picture" as a fan base reeks of stupidity.
So, keep thinking you are losing games because AJ Green is out, or that damn ref screwed you, or Caleb King turned the ball over, or your kicker missed a FG. Keep thinking all those things. So that way when you win 4-5 games this year, you can look back and point to an unprecedented string of "bad luck" against you in each and every game and feel good about yourselves, while the rest of the SEC laughs.

With all of that said......they will probably beat us.