It's just my opinion is all. It's strange. I played too....not in college. I coach too...not in college. WE played college ball. But regardless...I had my opinion on the matter before he chimed in, and I'll stay with it. It is just an opinion, not a fight to convince you or anyone else, even though you're wrong
, or at the very least simply looking for a postive spin on what appears to be a less than ideal situation. Here's hoping Greene is a monster at RT.
I think my positive spin, as you call it, might be simply based more on common sense, rather than creating a divide where there probably isn't one. That's where we differ. I don't understand where you create a chemistry issue out of a kid that worked his ass off to simply win a position on a football team. I don't think the JUCO or other deals have anything to do with any of this.
That was after Burns had proved he wasn't the guy and had done so in games AFTER taking over for Todd, after a failed season, after a coaching change...after lots of changes...his initial arrival on campus wasn't welcome by the players because at the time they felt is was Kodi's job. And I suspect, no, I KNOW that, along with many other things factored in heavily to 2008. In 2009 the job was opened to all comers...Todd won it as opposed to being brought in to compete with a guy that everyone thought had waited his turn for it.
YOU come on if you think they're the same thing!
I think it became an issue because of losing, and coaches losing control. I think there was an overall lack of confidence, and that lead to the bad chemistry. Not simply because of Todd vs. Kodi Burns. I won't deny there was some tension, but at that point, neither one was doing a bang up job to earn the position, and the coaches leading up to literally even past the first introduction of the starting lineups before letting a starter run onto the field, was the worst part. Bad all around.
This current situation, that you're trying to manufacture, is NOTHING like what you're making it out to be. Certainly nothing like the 2008 debacle.