I'm just going to sit down and shut up. After last season I've got no bragging rights other than saying when Carolina has a 'building year' it really is a building year not an excuse for continued bad performance.
By the way it's called "Carolina Blue" (I understand you infidels not being able to get that right)...NOT powder blue...powder blue is teh ghey.
Spot on...with the powder blue.

Quick story on the powder blue. I said that because on my 17th birthday, my dad bought me a car. The man bought me a car. Thrilled, right? I couldn't believe he did that until I walked outside, only to find....a powder blue Chevrolet Chevette. Are...you....fuckin'...kidding ...me? Total sticker price, brand new..$3,800.00. No air..but a kickin' vent. Plus, an A/M radio that actually worked. Did I mention it was baby blue? I don't care how hard you try, you can't rub that shit out.
Like I said earlier, when the national championship is between Butler and a bunch of 6'7" white boys, we're not talking clash of the titans here.