So, there I was, balls deep in this fa...
Wait, different story. After a long weekend of drinking, partying, listening to a shitty band (Chizad's), I woke up Monday with a strange feeling. I walked outside to get the newspaper this a.m. and noticed a distinct smell in the air.... At this exact point is when I knew it was football season. The smell of the taint was apparent.
Maybe it was because football season starts in la little more than two weeks...maybe it is because the temperature cooled down from 156 to 110...or maybe it was because I forgot to shower all weekend due to the debauchery...but the smell of the taint was definitely in the air.
So, let's get this shit started...

O-N-E Taint at a time!

No one can escape the Taint...

Not even Barry!

Remember, never speak personal about any players taints! They are just kids.

So, kids, it is now officially football season. Get excited, go outside, drink a few beers, watch a few Auburn videos, go Fuck yourselves for all I care, but be warned... The taint has been called.
And oh yeah, if you're wondering how I cleansed my taint: