Oh chinook I had such high hopes for you. Rum and Bacardi should never be uttered in the same sentence unless being put in a mojito or fruity drink.My friend please try one of the following or preferably all 3.Ron Zacapa 23yr old rumPyrat RumZaya Rum(currently my favorite)
Charmin w/ AloeThat is all
Gentle on your soft Heine?
Hells to the yes.
You forgot to list your favorite douche.Mine is Birmingham
Since you followed that up with the "Mine is B'ham" I guess naming you loses some of the effect.
Jif Creamy Buttah.Log Cabin Maple SurpleKY Warming Lubricant with...wait...what?
Eagle Brand Syrup
Log Cabin? What are you, 8? You just like the neat bottle, don't you?Grow up and eat some Golden Eagle Syrup. The Pride of Alabama since 1929.
Best Chain Restaurant Fries: For some reason, Applebees always rocks the potato
I hope you don't disappoint your wife as often as you disappoint me. If Applebee's is your idea of eatin' good in the neighborhood, you might want to move.
Do we even dare to ask the other three?