« on: July 29, 2010, 08:03:51 PM »
Thigpen told the story of how on the first day of practice, Bates couldn’t even back pedal without falling over. Thigpen even questioned who signed off on him and gave him a scholarship. But after practice, Bates waited outside Thigpen’s office to speak with him privately, where Bates told him he would get better and he would never embarrass him like that ever again.
Craig Sanders will “rewrite the way Auburn does defense.” He is a “freak of nature” and works incredibly hard. Sanders was even kicked out of the weight room because they worried he was working out too much. In addition to his strength, he has impressive speed that has him running with the DBs. He is a smart and driven young man. He reads scripture every night.
Coach Thig said that this is the best incoming class he has ever seen.
Coach Chizik strongly pushes coaches to get to know their players on a personal basis. He wants coaches to have players visit their homes as well as text and call them regularly. Chizik’s belief is that if the coaches know their players personally and are in tune with their character, they can avoid the players from making mistakes off the field, or at least there won’t be any surprises if they do.
Coach Thigpen said that Coach Chizik wants the players too see each of the coaches as men rather than just coaches. Coach Chizik wants each coach to be somewhat of a male figure/role model for their players. Thigpen stated that you'll never see a player talk back to Coach Troop, because they have a mutual respect based off of their off the field relationship and that they know he's only getting in their faces because it's for their benefit.
Someone asked if Cam would throw to an open receiver or gain yards with his feet if he’s got the room, Thigpen said he believes Newton would run. Thigpen said that he is practically impossible for a secondary to tackle because he runs right at you. “He hunts you.” Thigpen added that if Newton, at 6-6, 250 pounds, hits you straight on, it’ll take something out of you. “It’s just physics.”
Thigpen compared him to Bo Jackson, explaining that you’d just be crazy to try and take Jackson on from the front - you have to try and get at him from the sides. But, Jackson would just blaze past those guys. Thigpen believes Newton is the same in that way.
Cam is an incredible athlete, leader and young man. Thigpen said you can see him out on the practice fields on a Saturday morning throwing, and come back later that evening and he’ll be out there throwing again.
Stated that Michael Dyer will see playing time and that he’s stout and strong as an ox.
Thigpen said he has all the faith in Fannin because he’s fast, smart and has good hands. But said Dyer will only make Fannin even better because he presents stiff competition. “If Dyer starts over Fannin, then you know Dyer’s the real deal.”
Cam is the New Predator!!!! Also, Craig Sanders will see playing time this season, as will Nosa and Bono. Lemon will, more than likely, redshirt.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 08:04:55 PM by The Prowler »

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