That's not bad, some jackass that left the board had the dumbass name Fo Twinney Tiger.
Go bite me. That was a Yoda noise.
I'd say "that's what she said", but now you only make those kind of noises when you are alone.
Ooooo... I need to correct myself...I'd say "that's what she said" but then you'd have to change your screenname to something even more stupid and ridiculous for the eleventy bajillionth time, and who the hell needs that? I lost track five aliases ago...
I wish Harvey Birdman hadn't he was one funny motherfucker.
You go that right. And I heard he was hung like a buffalo, too.
skinned for his hide?
Between two poles on the piarie and skinned for his hide?
What, this fucker joins and doesn't post? I thought Thrilla said he had ninja skillz.
This guy just got an email account 6 months ago, so let's just say he's not the most 'web savvy' person on planet earf.
Talk to GF and SH. I'm not behind some of this....Jen.
Is that the waaaaaabulance goin by?Nobody likes a tattletale, Snaggle.And speaking of gay.....Dillardtiger? That's not you too, is it?