Subject / Started by | ||
Victor Davis Hanson
Started by jmar |
Democrat = Communist (if they're orange)
Started by Kaos |
Change to a Third World Country
Started by Tarheel |
Degenerate Senators?...Nooooo....
Started by Tarheel |
A political test: Obama or Lionel
Started by Tarheel |
Chicago Murders versus Iraq
Started by GarMan |
The Newest Fad In Hair Styles
Started by AUTailgatingRules |
A little something from 64 years ago...
Started by GarMan |
Is Italian PM a Racist
Started by AUTailgatingRules |
Carter is off of his meds again.
Started by Tarheel |
Bitter Gun-Owners of America
Started by Tarheel |
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